Given your previous for posting stupid vids about Biden being wired I'd... a) always check your facts b) don't throw stones from the front step of your glass house.
It’s all madness,you can go on forever tit for tat,Biden put 940,000 black people in jail ,with his 1994 crime bill,there both as bad as one another
Bidens son took 3.5 million dollars from China the country with worst human rights record in world and who started a global pandemic with their ill treatment of animals,but let’s wish trump dead,because someone alleged something in the Guardian
I thought the 3.5m was supposedly from Russia rather than China? Plus how is that any more proven than the stuff reported in the Guardian? And if you want to talk about Russian collusion then it's not Biden you want to be looking at...
I know it’s Clinton ,they all corrupt everyone of them,Biden a multi millionaire on a senators wages ??
It was allegedly from the wife of the mayor of Moscow. Not sure of the truth of it. It certainly wasn't anything to do with China though as you correctly point out. Yer wasting your time there though.
Jeez. Stuff just comes into your head and out through your mouth without any interference from critical analysis whatsoever doesn't it?
Or even 'people who can read and have the small amount of brain power required to fact check. Whilst ever there are people who can't do those things - then we'll carry on heading on this downward spiral.
So the evil ******* is unable to see past his own experiences with a 6 ******* room suite and his own ICU, so now he's advocating that everybody just gets on with it. What an evil, evil ******* *******. I hope he doesn't die, just so that he's able to attend Joe Biden's inauguration after a landslide to rival Reagan.
He’s just evil. No other word for it. A truly abhorrent human being. I loathe to even call him that. I despise that I’m even the same species as him. This is nothing to do with party politics or views. I have no problem with Republicans for the most part, but trump is just disgusting.
The ****** looks like he can barely breathe. At least this time his hubris and ego are only going to kill himself. Just stay off twitter. Hopefully once the drugs wear off he’ll go quiet again.
I haven’t wished anyone dead but I’m coming close to the point of changing my mind. What a vile odious wicked narcissistic psychopath.
There's a few theories doing the rounds that he already knew he was infected at the debate last Tuesday - he arrived late and so avoided being tested at the venue and the appearance yesterday would fit better with that timescale of recovery. Huge pinch of salt like, but I imagine all hell would break loose if this is proven.