Yes, I mean why should there be people/ organisations that stand up for people’s rights when all our poor little right-wing Tories want to do is bulldoze through everything and fek the consequences
So you seriously think that lawyers defending people against illegal government actions is a bad thing oh dear if thats the case I hope you are never wrongfully accused of anything
Also thanks to the Tories if you are prosecuted for something and found innocent you are almost certainly going to be unable to claim any of your legal costs (which will be tens of thousands of pounds) back from the state. They've slowly but surely gutted the criminal justice system during their time in power and show no signs of stopping.
People vote to "take back control" then celebrate handing over even more control to the people they elect to take back control for them. utterly simple.
I really hope this is some sort of wind-up. That someone "doing good" and upholding the law is considered a bad thing is astounding. Also, it's embarrassing enough when people use the term "lefty" as an insult, for the actual elected government to use it too is unbelievable.
And this is at the same time that the Government is authorising the police and security services to commit crimes - I'd laugh if I wasn't screaming in despair.
Have you listened to the rest of his speech? Jaw dropping. He reckons the public sector need to let private companies handled things more. Serco are great aren't they?
Who needs laws? I hope the fat gammons are fighting fit for when the rule of jungle is implemented. Overweight gazelles and antelope don't last very long. Mind you I doubt they tune into educational natural history programming.
Serco police, fire and rescue and paramedics what could go wrong? How about Serco barristers and lawyers, folk on minimum wage there to keep you out of prison.