Good statement that. I didn’t always agree with his selections and tactics but his results speak for themselves. He did a superb job keeping us up last season and his interview after Brentford will live long in my memory, as I’m sure it will most of us. Good luck in New York Gerhard, I hope it gives you the opportunity for a European red bull team in the future.
The storm continues to rage loud and clear at Oakwell. At the start of this season I was expecting 3 to 4 new signings in key positions and with Struber in charge a top 10 maybe top 6 place. Now - Struber gone - Upheaval of a new manager coming in - players haven’t been brought in to fill the obvious gaps in the squad - in fact Ludewig leaving creates another hole to be filled - then if we manage to keep clear of relegation we will have done well. In other words I’m now expecting another dreadful season ahead.
What a lucky man he is. From the Austrian Tyrol, to Pennine rolling hills, to New York Central Park in less than a year. What a career jump that is. I wish him well. Hoping he doesn’t fall flat on his face in three months
Peel Square to times square Locke Park to central park Shaz from Shafton to Becky from Brooklyn Don't see the pull really ha ha
Surely not serious about Wilshire? No doubt has talent but think he'd get about as many mins as Mido in a reds shirt through injuries.
Sorry to see him go. Suspect he will turn out to be the most successful manger ever to have managed BFC. A man with a plan and the knowledge of how to implement it. Just wasn't given the personnel unfortunately for us. Good luck GS .. and thanks for the memories.
I don’t give a flying fook about Struber. My boys this - my boys that. He’s not thinking about his boys now is he - while he’s sat on the plane to New York. All I care about at the club right now is the wellbeing of Barnsley Football Club - and he’s left us at a very difficult time of the season.
Not really a bad time. If they have already started the process, realistically could be in post in a week. Still time to bring in a couple of players before the end of the domestic window. Then they have virtually the entire season.