Folks have listen to Joe's speech today, for 4 years I've had to endure Boris, Maybot and Capt Ameri-tard. Joe's speech was 20 mins, and highlights the need for true states men and women. The difference in message and tone couldn't be more stark from the vitriol and divisiveness of the aforementioned shills. You can't build consensus and togetherness to overcome national challenges by being a complete c*unt. There endth the message. Please watch it was extremely uplifting and gave me something to smile about.
Blew me way, level of detail and his knowledge of history and how he made each point current and relevant. Breath of fresh air in an atmosphere of eggy farts.
Because a lot of people aren’t necessarily voting for him, they’re voting for the party. You might prefer Biden, but if you’re absolutely against lockdown, against defunding the police, hate what ANTIFA are doing, and believe the Democrats will damage big business, then you’ve got a decision to make. You could hate Trump as passionately as a lot of people on here do. But similar to Biden, they’re just the ones that go out and face the cameras. The policies get worked on by the teams in the background. Biden is clearly the more seasoned and caring politician. There’s no doubt on that front.
Trump postponed covid stimulus package until after election, not going to help business especially if count takes weeks to confirm outcome and legal challenges. Stock market on a downward trend, though ripe for let's say those close to people in the know to make a killing. No different than in this country might I add.
I’m sorry, but Trump goes beyond party. He’s caused so much damage this year alone with his ridiculous stance on Covid. By refusing to wear a mask in public, his supporters also refused. By deciding ‘Covid is over’ yesterday - his supporters will act like idiots and go out and spread the virus. The president has too much power in the US for someone like Trump to have it. A lot more power than the PM has here. Trump has proven time and time again that he doesn’t care about the rules, he doesn’t care about honour or doing the right thing. I genuinely believe that Trump is **** scared of losing this election as he is in so much debt ($400+ million if reports are to be believed) and is going to have such a high tax Bill that if he’s not in office he will be in jail. He’s going to try and steal this election because he cannot afford to lose it. That cannot be allowed to happen. Thankfully he’s polling anywhere from 10 to 30 points behind Biden. Even in the over 65s I read yesterday that Biden has an 18 point lead. That’s unheard of. And these are in the polls that were adjusted following their failure in 2016 (when by the way they never had Hillary at such an advantage as Biden is at now) Also, Biden is against Defunding the police. And Antifa is not an organisation it literally just means anti-fascist. If you’re against Antifa, you’re pro-fascist. People marching under an Antifa banner doesn’t automatically make it an organisation. You can be against riots and looting, I am too. That’s not this mythical ‘Antifa’ though as trump likes to make it.
Nancy Pelosi has been rejecting that stimulus deal for weeks/months. They didn’t want the original stimulus package to go through when cheques were sent to every household in the US. It’s not as simple as Trump just postponing it. It’s a typical US political play where $1.6 trillion was on the table. It’s all a bit mental to be honest. They fight and fight and fight for their own gain against each other and the people of America are the ones who suffer.
I really feel for those businesses that now might not get access to a cent before Christmas and New Year. One thing Biden did say tonight and he's quite a man of his word due to past evidence, he said it's time to stop the partisan rubbish. Democracy in the west is on its arse and it's always the normal folk at suffer. Pelosi I have to say I liked her confrontational style but party politics shouldn't be used on this occasion. Mitch McConnell however is a truly detestable human being, him and Lindsey Graham have no place in a modern society.
I would usually agree that the president and prime minister are just figureheads for the party and swapping the leader makes little difference however with trump I couldn't disagree more. He doesn't just tow the party line (or toe it?) He is an extremist who even quite a few of his own party disagree with.
I honestly don’t want to get in to this debate, as that’s your opinion. You said you couldn’t for the life of you understand why anyone would vote for him and I gave you some reasons (outside of the redneck/gunslinging stereotype). Biden has struggled time and time again to say he’s against defunding the police. Trump shut the US borders early against everything the opposition were saying and was accused of being a racist for it - don’t forget Biden saying the borders should stay open and Nancy Pelosi walking around China Town encouraging people to go out. That’s the same Nancy Pelosi who didn’t want to wear her mask at the hair salon when she was telling everyone they had to follow the rules. And whether ANTIFA is an organisation or not, they’re causing chaos and the Democrats are not standing against them on it. It isn’t solely Democrat cities suffering, but it is in the main. That scares some people and makes them not want to vote that way. It lost its cause of being anti-facist months ago. The Trump finances is difficult. Again it depends what you read. He’s got loans, but he’s also got real estate that is an eye watering amount of money that dwarfs the debt. I think Trump Tower New York could be sold with a 22% occupancy rate and clear everything he owes and then some. Don’t quote me on the numbers though. I know I keep saying this but Americans are so so different and view things so differently. They see the government as there to service them, which to be fair is how it should be, and the non-mask wearers in the main, for some reason, believe it to be an infringement of their public rights. They don’t do it because Trump tells them. Trump doesn’t have that much power as the obsessive following you see in the news is just a tiny drop in the ocean in the grand scheme of things. Not sure on your too much power comment. Globally the US is the powerhouse, but within the US the governors have a lot of control over their states and counties. Then you’ve got the whole ‘who owns the senate’. Feels as an outsider like the President can make decisions easily on the world stage but within their own country struggle to get things passed. Comparing New York and Florida is evidence of how much power the governors have for how things are run.
Those last two people you mentioned I couldn’t agree more. It shows you how certain parts of America are still so far behind the rest of the world. Not progressive at all to allow these people any kind of power or say. But you’re comparing states that are thousands of miles away from each other under the banner of one country. It’s no surprise they’re so different.
I'm not gonna argue, I just want to relay 2 stories from colleagues of mine that were told to me independently in separate states. Arizona and North Carolina. Before Trump wore a mask in public, by wearing their masks they were identified as democrats and abused verbally. Mask use they estimated at between 10% and 20%. As soon as trump was seen in his mask for the first time, there was a massive instant shift. up to 80-90% usage.
I can only tell you different people that I know that see wearing a mask as an invasion and infringement of their basic human rights. Nothing to do with Trump wearing one. I know people that have been abused for not wearing masks in the street. I also saw something that showed mask usage increasing in frequency week on week regardless I just can’t find it on Google. I put this down to their own state having minimal numbers, as New York and the likes made up 80/90% of total cases at one point, but that changing as Covid numbers picked up.
i get your point about people voting for party rather than individual so holding their nose and voting Trump. I think they're wilfully short sighted but I get it. The thing about seeing having to wear a mask as an infringement of human rights is appalling though. It's for cranks who are unwilling to take a minor inconvenience in order to protect others from harm. It's shameful. It's also very Republican in outlook unfortunately.
Your right , trump's a failure and the republican party . But you have to understand so are the Dems . Just watched some of the biden speech . Nothing there I'm afraid but he ll play lip service .
Definitely. In my experience New York has far more in common culturally with the UK than it does with Mississippi or Alabama.
Pretty much every political party in the world is a failure. America is a mess partly due to the Democrats. For the umpteenth time though there is no equivocation possible in the current situation. The Democrats and the Republicans under Trump are not as bad as each other. One is much, much worse.
The trouble is that people don't have the patience any more to listen to speeches and policies. They live for soundbites and tub thumping. We saw that over here last year.
Just waiting for the smear campaign of lies and more lies of the right wing media. Prior to the next election. Sod all to with policies for me mate. Wonder what delights they’ll make up about Starmer. People voted in the biggest Racist/liar/Adulterer etc in history. And were fully aware. But he’s a character. A jovial chap wtf.