I'm sure people saw Rishi's interviews over the last couple of days where he defended EOTHO. The South West had some of the most redemptions of the offer. But doesn't have the uptake in cases seen in other pockets of the country. So again, how is hospitality to blame? The 10pm curfew being lifted will be the saviour of so many restaurants. Pubs were just about clinging on with it but evidence there that people, especially on weekends, just shifted their time to go out a bit earlier. The biggest issue for pubs is the mixed households rule - almost not worth opening for many on that one.
It'll be irrelevant if the latest bit of insanity comes to pass https://www.itv.com/news/2020-10-07...of-northern-england-as-coronavirus-cases-soar
Or option four the restrictions were focused completely in the wrong areas? The restrictions are too vast as it is.
So send a load of students to say manchester - find a soaring increase in corona - I know the solution - close the pubs and restaurants that they dont go in anyway - that will fix it
They are a wishy washy alternative to shutting pubs completely, which is obviously what should be happening if health was the only consideration.
Vested interest in not being locked down, not seeing businesses go under, life savings disintegrated, and not seeing people lose jobs. All without risking the health of the British public. Really reasoned response though. Lots of insight shared there.
Unfortunately loads of business are going to go under. Dont blame Ben for banging the drum for his, at least they've partly been allowed to operate again unlike say theatres. But it's a bit naive to suggest that students and pubs don't mix or that the eat out to help out didnt have an effect on cases rising.
Pubs and restaurants to be closed in central Scotland, only a matter of time before this nonsense happens down here.
Are they closing or just not allowed to serve alcohol? Although I know one means basically the other when it comes to pubs. This new restriction/circuit break or whatever they want to call it is sh*te and will further cripple an entire sector already on its knees.
And to think people point at America and laugh. I'd give anything for us to have their kind of determination to keep things open. We lockdown. Ruin businesses. Open up again. Covid rises. We lockdown. Rinse. Repeat. Give up.
From the BBC; Pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes across central Scotland, including Glasgow and Edinburgh, will be forced to close for two weeks from Friday. They will still be able to offer a takeaway service. Those outside these areas will be unable to sell alcohol indoors for 16 days from Friday at 18:00, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said. Indoor food sales will be allowed until 18:00. Outdoor sales of alcohol will still be allowed until 22:00 Totally destroying an industry without evidence that it is linked to the rise.
Or 5. Restrictions should have all been lifted in the summer. No enforced social distancing. No masks. Let people make their own decsions toward percieved risk. Get people mingling while the virus would have been at its weakest. Rather than this hokey pokey lockdown here lockdown there in an attempt suppress a virus. Yes there would be deaths and some with long term effects from the 'vid however these would pale into insignifance compared to the mental health tsunami this who episode of constant fear mongering has caused. Or the rise in deaths above the yearly average not based around the Vid. Or the sucides- it was last week more people killed themselves Or the massive downturn in peoples life quality. Currently the cure is worse than the disease.
Loko might have a vested interest - like wanting to keep a job but I havent and I am really struggling with this obsession the politicians have with pubs and restaurants - there is no evidence to support their actions but shed loads of evidence to tell them to concentrate on other areas which they are ignoring. I cant get my head around it. Im not going to argue that a packed pub with people rammed together is a good idea but the pubs I have been in are safer than supermarkets tables well spaced table service ( pointless but masks on to walk to and from your table) its far safer than eating and drinking in peoples houses
Of course there is a middle ground - look at say Germany, Sweden, South Korea etc. We seem to be taking the worst of all worlds here. If you set out to destroy whole swathes of industry and still have large covid infection rates its hard to see how you could do a better job
I’m probably somewhere in the middle. Given our laughable attempts to track and trace knowing the source of infection is virtually impossible but unless the Govt are willing to provide financial assistance to already struggling businesses any further closures or restrictions seem both to be not following the evidence and basically just unfair. And given that we are getting Bono, Rod Stewart and Lenny Henry to retrain as carers what jobs are all those who will lose theirs as a result of additional restrictions going to retrain as.