They are attracting large groups of people who often don't act responsibly. The 'eat out to help out' is now also generally accepted to have played a big part in the second wave as well. If there were no economic considerations, pubs and restaurants would be better closed, that's all I'm saying. That is also the majority science view.
Are you just making it up now? EOTHO has not been credited as playing a big part in the second wave at all. Our very own chancellor was doing the rounds yesterday saying the same thing, geographical areas like the South West with one of the largest shares of EOTHO redemptions hasn't seen a spike. The scheme started in August. Where was the sharp spike mid to late August? It accelerated from mid September. Where was the spike in July after all the pubs open? You're also ignoring the data from Public Health England that 4% of confirmed out of home cases are being tracked back to hospitality. It seems your only argument is 'they attract large groups of people who often don't act responsibly'. Which is an unfair claim when there's over 100,000 licensed venues in the UK.
As somebody also in the industry, there's been a creeping kind of neo-puritanism threatening pubs for a while now. It's manifested itself in a variety of low-level ways, but the overall effect has been to reposition pubs and bars in general as "a bad thing", and I think we're just seen as an easy target. My suspicion is that this is all exacerbated by the fact that pretty much no politician - from any party - has ever so much as considered working in hospitality, let alone actually made a living from it. It's something left to the anonymous people who pour their wine. To be clear, if the evidence was there I wouldn't have a problem with any of this. I think they're desperately trying to make it look like they're doing something, and are targeting the low-hanging fruit.
The 'eat out to help out' is now also generally accepted to have played a big part in the second wave. Generally accepted by who? I did it and the Covid regulations were adopted impecably. Pubs opened 4th July, No uptick in cases until end of August, must be a long incubation period. I'm not suggesting that there isn't transmission through hospitality it's just it seems to be being demonised.
A bit of both Sturgeon said that "nobody is pointing the finger of blame" at the hospitality sector. Translated as 'We don't have a clue why numbers are rising but hospitality is an easy target so we're going to close it down'.
Lovely, I'll get out of quarantine at the weekend (having traveled from an area with almost no Covid cases to this hotspot 10 days ago) just in time to not go to the pub.
Staying on soft drink protects you against Covid for longer. You learn something new every single day.
Sorry but that is just not true - I have been in several pubs over the last couple of months and not once have I seen "large groups of people acting irresponsibly" and there is shed loads of evidence that the EOTHO scheme had a negligible effect on Covid to summerise Open Pubs - no spike EOTHO - No spike open schools and Uni's - massive spikes especially in Uni cities oh no it must be the pubs lets shut them again It makes absolutely no sense
Pretty much every point you've made in that statement is factually incorrect. Other than that though, I agree.
Governments all over the nation are clutching at straws. I like many have visited many well run pubs (with my close family bubble), I never felt scared due to practices in place. Folk all washed their hands and used antibacterial gels. I've not been contacted by anyone to say they had an outbreak. Since July of the places I visited non had an outbreak. The fundamental issue with increased cases all revolves around an accurate world beating track and trace system which we were promised and isn't remotely close to being implemented. Folk need to have a go at the right people. It's not cinemas, pubs, office staff's, students, BLM, statue worshippers or Jack the rippers fault.
The thing that worries me here is it seems we are wrecking our leasure industry Pubs and restaurants, cinema , the theatre, sport but keeping education and work going its almost as if someone wants the masses just going to work /school and going home and not doing anything else except watch TV or be on social media - both of which can be controlled to some extent its like living through a dystopian sci fi book
Not just normal TV, if the government have their way Beeb and Channel 4 productions will be created by Dominic Cummings and friends Ltd. Now that is 1984 and V for Vendetta. Remember Roger Allam's gammon TV gobsh*te character in V? There's already a few too many of them on supposed current affairs shows.
The process is well on its way.
All of them. Its as much about coercion and fear as it is about viral control. https://assets.publishing.service.g...ce-to-social-distancing-measures-22032020.pdf just as a sample.
SAGE and independent SAGE have pushed for a proper track and trace system from the start. Without that in place they will always come to conclusions about Covid spreading unchecked. You can't blame them really, all of the local lockdowns are a result of the track and trace failings. Government are just trying to pass blame and where they can avoid scrutiny. They could also be using this as a way of something far more sinister but I'm hoping this isn't the case. They're not doing much though to stop rational folk having those thoughts sneak into our minds.
The more of our liberties and freedom of choice a Government takes from us the harder it will be for them to relinquish these ....