Wonder if we would consider mick. Still not in work I think. Not getting any younger. Home town club. Also fans favourite. Think he could be tempted?
absolutely no chance - none not even a tiny one - he is as likely to be our next manager as Jurgen Klopp
Mick says the most important thing is having a good chief scout and a network of contacts etc. The spreadsheet rules supreme and absolute.
It's a nice dream, but football fans are a fickle lot. If the results continued to be poor, if we didn't like the system, the playing style, etc... How long before one of my all-time favourites was being rubbished. Don't think I could stand that. Not that there's a chance in a million of him coming here, so it's a moot point.
Lol cant believe all these British names being put forward ex Championship managers. Like if ever. Get in the programme 1 x unknown to be named eventually
To be fair, they were probably lurking on there. They did get a few who Struber wanted himself. That's fair enough. Shame the same wasn't afforded to Stendel.
Other than Radlinger they all fitted the young and could improve and be sold on. None of them were the experienced players he requested.
Wasn't the question I was answering? They were players he wanted to sign. As I've said before I really do admire your constant defence of and involvement in everything Stendel. I wasn't criticising him though. We've all said he got dealt a tough hand.