'Your favourite president'. I genuinely thought this was an impersonator. Should have known better. He's like a talk show host. So out of touch with the American people and American lives.
https://www.fiercebiotech.com/biote...cktail-curbs-virus-speeds-recovery-early-data sounds like this regeneron is promising, lets hope it saves lots of lives
is no one happy this medicine may help, everyone just wants to abuse and put down everything and ignore any positives
It must be really hard work monitoring this forum for any negativity against your beloved Donald and flying in to defend him within minutes. Fair play to you.
Biggest idiot. Still 500m dollars in debt apparantley, much of it to Russians, if only theres a way he could potentially get that debt down.....
Scientists believe they may have found the answer, with research that shows that humans flock like sheep and birds, subconsciously following a minority of individuals. It takes a minority of just five per cent to influence a crowd's direction -- and that the other 95 per cent follow without realising it
Correct! But the good old US of A will lap it up. It takes 2 minutes for a semi educated person to read the research on Regeneron to see that improvement was seen in 6/8 days. He’s been in hospital 4! I genuinely hope that Regeneron will turn out be an effective treatment for Covid-19 but this is quite obviously a publicity/propaganda stunt.
Of course it is he is going to lose,I hope he does because 4 more years of Trump will drive everyone insane,my hope is that Kamala Harris is main influence driving democrat policy because Biden as been in the trough 47 years and he ain’t gonna change owt now at nearly 80 years old