That the people called nutters (me being one of the people calling it them) are having their list ticked off bit by bit. I don't get why he said New World Order or wanted to scare people enough that he openly said it's dangerous in your own home. We need people to trust that a vaccine is safe and going to give us back our pre March life. But people out there are worried about the intentions of all the people who intend to make a fortune from the world being vacinated against something with a huge survival rate. Bill Gates has spoken in the past about depopulation so people are bound to be worried about taking something he's close to incase they do end up sterile to help with the heavy expanding population.
I guess it comes down to essential and no New Zealand’s worked spiffingly as did S Korea. Half arsed lockdowns dont. Short blanket ones demonstrably do.
But whilst this nonsense is shared so often online by people who don't think twice before doing so, then it won't be.
"8. Rollout 5G Microwave Networks" Never mind Bill Gates, it's Kevin Bacon who should be public enemy number one. Still, it shouldn't take more than 7 phone calls to find him.
The term New World Order goes back decades. George Bush Snr was fond of it and because of his links to the CIA and the military arms complex it's become a sinister term. The Bush and Clinton dynasties do warrant further investigations, contra scandals, the war on drugs and terror have made them and their friends very rich. The idea though that all of the mega wealthy are connected or are child killers and farmers is a smoke screen. It's a distraction exercise that stops real stories getting traction like the Panama papers for example.
I knew there something about Footloose that I didn't like, you should hate it but always end up running down the street dancing like a loon or is that just me?
That's how they get you. They make you think that Bacon is on your side against The Man, confronting injustice and fighting for your right to dance, so you don't notice when he subtly shifts his agenda to endorsing life-threatening telecoms infrastructure.
New Zealand is an island pretty much like somewhere else I can think of... It’s also a sovereign nation with its own currency and ergo cannot go ‘bankrupt’.
The economy of Taiwan has grown in 2020. They locked down quickly, and hard, and have had only 7 deaths despite getting their first recorded case in December 2019.
That is what the government is using. I'm not going to ask why, but that is what is going on and why pubs are being targeted.