being reduced at my GP. they state covid cutbacks are the reason why the Nurses are not doing ear syringing. I suffer from ear wax and I need them cleared out every couple of years or so. In fact the only times I have been to the doctors in the last 10 years is to have my ears cleaned out. They now tell me I have to have it done by Boots or Specsavers hearingcare ..... at £55 a go. I'm not a happy bunny this morning. Anybody got any other news about GP services being reduced?
Unfortunately it's only going to get worse considering the following; The number of people having to wait more than 18 weeks to start hospital treatment in England stood at 1.96 million in August of this year, around three times the number for August 2019 (662,043) and the second highest total for any calendar month since current records began in August 2007. It is down slightly from the number for July 2020, which was 2.15 million and the highest number since records began. The figures, from NHS England, also show that 111,026 people were waiting more than 52 weeks to start hospital treatment in August, the highest number for any month since September 2008. The total number of people admitted for routine treatment in hospitals in England was down 43% in August compared with a year ago. Some 155,789 patients were admitted for treatment during the month, down from 275,267 in August 2019. The year-on-year decrease recorded in July was 55%, and in June the drop was 67%. NHS England figures also show that a total of 169,660 urgent cancer referrals were made by GPs in England in August 2020, down from 200,317 in August 2019 - a fall of 15%. This compares with a year-on-year drop of 19% in July, 21% in June and 47% in May. Urgent breast cancer referrals were down from 13,220 in August 2019 to 9,498 in August 2020 - a fall of 28%. Nearly half a million patients in England had been waiting more than six weeks for a key diagnostic test in August. A total of 472,088 patients were waiting for one of 15 standard tests, including an MRI scan, non-obstetric ultrasound or gastroscopy. The equivalent number waiting for more than six weeks in August 2019 was 42,926. The number waiting more than 13 weeks in August 2020 was 239,920, compared with 5,284 in August 2019.
My son is having his ears sryinging at Barnsley hospital Saturday hes under e n t thow. Hope you get it done I know it's not nice having blocked ears.good luck.
Thanks mate, how did your son get an appointment at the Hospital? Is that by referral from GP? My practice didn't say anything other than need to sort it out privately
Hes been under e n t for 6 years and has to have them suctioned every 3 months but has not had them done since January because of all this. You will need your gp to send you to ent but you will have to play on it to get your doctor to send you there. I know you shouldn't have to play on it but if not treated you could start with infections as you probably know. My son is only 11 years old aswell so he might be priority.
OK thanks again mate. They know I have them syringed every couple of years because it's on my record so (hopefully) I shouldn't need to play it up. I'll ring them now and get a doctors appointment (they gave me a nurses telephone consultation today)
Olive oil dissolves ear wax. You can use a little yourself regularly to loosen any build up, rinse it out and it should keep you longer between needing it doing.
Definitely heading that way. The service will be that bad that people will be screaming out for it... But just tho's with the dosh..
When I was living in Pontefract. I went to my local GP because I couldn't hear out of my right ear. The Nurse wouldn't syringe them there and then for fear of bursting my ear drum. She sent me away with a sicknote for two weeks instructing me to oil both ears. Happy days.
Same thing wasn't a problem about a month ago for my dad. He was given ear drops that cleared it a little but not fully, made an appointment where he was told to not forget a mask and was in and out within minutes with clear lugholes. Don't let them fob you off with paying silly money.
People are constantly told about the decline in the nhs, whether it's funding, services, appointments or whatever yet they STILL vote for a party that undermines it. Frickin unbelievable. When its gone people will wonder where it went.
Early 60s and Kirklees but it might depend on how good your GP surgery is with how helpful they can be bothered to be.
Email your local MP mate , whoever it is . State who your Doctors are and the reasons they say they can’t perform the treatment . Some practices could be trying it on as I don’t think this is national policy tbh .