Does the Jack Charlton rule still apply? Have a pint of Guinness in a certain London pub and gain citizenship? I do qualify legally through my better half and we're waiting to see what January brings.......
Think you need at least a grandparent and have the necessary documentation to prove you are related - eg birth certificates etc
Well, as an expert, can you tell me how many EU nationals the government removed from the UK in total over the last year, or last decade; and also the proportion of deportations which are legally challenged or blocked from occurring.
a friend just applied and got an Irish passport - I think he got it because his wife had an Irish born grandmother and the wife was also applying for an Irish Passport. Interestingly the wife's Irish born grandmother was herself English, the daughter of an English woman who went to Ireland to work as a maid about 1890.
You do know thats what we already had but never actually enforced Now we are moving away so that only rich can come in should they want to - so all those hard working care workers on low salaries will no longer be allowed in. Guess its not going to be a problem though as we just retrain all those involved in the leasure industry who wont have any jobs anyway. It also works both ways - it makes it much harder for UK nationals (without an Irish Passport) to work in Europe
Not off the top of my head, but its it's plenty. I'm sure the Daily Mail will tell you though. What's the issue with legally challenged ones? Are highly qualified barristers and solicitors in immigration law do gooders?
My grandad came over during ww2 to help with the clean up campaign in London during The Blitz. He was actually married before he met my grandma and had a child but we didn't know anything about this until about 8 years ago when my dad got a phone call from the sister he never knew he had.
yet again it seems your problem lays with our government. That’s a great reason for leaving the EU. Ever get the feeling you’ve been lied to?
I wonder why we have passport checks in UK, but no checks between say, France & Germany or Spain & Portugal.
Because France Germany Spain and Portugal are in the schengen common travel area, so you get your passport checked when you enter from outside but once you are in thats fine. That was the whole point of it
Tried really hard to stay out of it The point is that we want our government to set our rules on immigration not the eu. As long as those coming in meet the eu rules their aint a damn thing we can do to stop them. Its eu law which we’re bound by. Done this dozens of times on here it just keeps going round and round. It isnt about race its about sovereignty thought I’d get that one in before the newly titled ‘good people’ fire up the r word.