Ah, the good old brexiter approach - make a sweeping, uninformed statement then deny when presented with evidence to the contrary.
We already had that. Edit Scrap that, I can see the usual circular argument ensues, the rules quoted, brexiteer then says rules weren’t working, that’s the fault of U.K. not EU. Ad infinitum
Speaking of freedom of movement, I see Australia have gone full North Korea: https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyl...en-will-australias-borders-open-a4566651.html
It's going to ruin the Ashes if England fans cannot travel there for it. I suspect it will be got around if you can prove to Australia you've been compliant with taking a vaccine first. Even though I don't think a vaccine will be mandatory I do think places won't allow you in if you haven't took one.
Australia currently have a mandatory 2-week quarantine on arrival - and have since around February. You might be allowed in, but have to spend an extra fortnight confined to an hotel room until you are cleared. Some stories I've heard include people not even having a balcony. As there are no direct flights, you might also have to fund a similar quarantine period where the layover is. The only English fans for the Ashes will be those that already live in Australia or New Zealand.
I think the question is too generic. For instance my personal opinion on free movement differs depending on the circumstances. For instance.. 100% Free movement for short term travel or business.. This could be defined as anything upto maybe 6 months within any 12 month period. Any longer and you really should be paying some form of additional long stay infrastructure tax within that country formally. But I'm a firm believer in being able to control permanent migration at a country by country level, purely on a basis of infrastructure planning etc. If you wish to move permanently, then you apply through a formal process. So its not a clear cut question as if I had to generalise based on the above, the answer to a survey if forced to a yes or no.. It would be no. Expand the question and most of the time it is a yes.
You’ve not read it properly - it’s not a two week quarantine period - the border is closed, until late 2021
Shame. I think there are a disproportionate number of deportations delayed, at great expense, and for ultimately invalid reasons. From my perspective, a process which does not work needs fixing rather than being allowed to fester.
Brexit certainly removes the capacity for the government to get away with excuses. Again, for me, that's a positive development.
You think - have you got any figures to back that up I know that figures show that 75% of home office appeals to get people deported fail due to those annoying do gooders in the legal proffession pointing out that there are laws to be followed. Dont get me wrong there are people who should be deported and some will appeal and fail and that does cost money but thats a consequence of having a system - the alternative is to illegally deport everyone based on someone ticking a box with no checks or balances would you seriously suggest we adopt such an approach
It's reflective of media coverage, and also the literature: https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/
With respect, I don't have to explain my vote to you. I'm going to assume you disagreed with it. That's very strange to me.
No, I'd suggest we ask people to apply before arrival in this country, and that we admit only those who have a valid case.
So let me get this straight - you are basing your statement that our deportation system doesnt work because the Daily Mail keeps banging on about it - have I got that right
Thats what we do with all normal immigration For Asylum seekers thats demonstrably unrealistic and also against international law
What uninformed approach? Your surveys are like polls , a random assessment of a few thousand out of thirty odd million who voted and because it suits the narrative of the ‘ good old remainers’ you take it as gospel remember the polls being in your favour? Look what happened, we are out, the real evidence won the day if you believe a few thousand selected for a demographic spreadsheet truly represents the masses who voted then more fool you.