That's 328 discharged from intensive care, not discharged from hospital. 124 out of 755 cases (with 24 hrs of data) have gone home.
It's clear more and more each day what the government need to do. Instead it looks like Monday is going to be a dreadful day up north with an end to all the enjoyments we have in life like seeing friends, meeting family, having a pint and going for a meal, on top of the harsh rules already such as no live sport. It's going to get worse too as I can't see it being far away making it mandatory to wear a mask outside so you can't breath in fresh air.
He also knows how to look after his close pals who are MPs in areas hit harder than many who next week will be penalised.
Meanwhile in Peckham theyve closed the road off at closing time. Theres a crowd of around 250. Playing cricket.... Good that someone from WHO is finally saying it. Locking down areas does not work and other things need to happen.
We're not supposed to talk about Sweden. Did they get it all right? No but its certainly interesting to see the approach they have taken. We also now have the WHO condemning lockdowns. Still expecting confused nonsense tomorrow that will do little except make people's lives harder.
With these new tiered restrictions coming into place tomorrow and with us being in such close vicinity to Sheffield and Leeds, does this mean Barnsley will be placed into the tier 3 category like the big Yorkshire cities will presumably be? Or is it a case of they decide it on counties? So all of Yorkshire get yourselves in tier 3 for 4 week and we'll decide what happens after.
If lockdown were a treatment undergoing a clinical trial, the trial would be halted because of the side effects.
I've been told we're going to be under a Red tier grouping. Numbers in town on the increase in a big way. Just got my first post covid cold, and it's gone straight to my chest. Feel like crap and coughing like a 80 day smoker. I just need to man up cos the Swedes wouldn't be like me, they must be superhuman and it's just like the flu apparently.
Restrictions leaked for the Liverpool region, can imagine all tier 3 (red) zones will be the same so could be impacting us
Let's how long it takes for Boris to muddle the messaging after he makes his statement. I'm expecting yet another week of u-turns and all round poor communication.
Actually in Sweden you would be encouraged to stay home with any signs of respiratory illness and be paid in full from the first day.
That's what's needed here but wealth before health is the order of the day. When the track and trace app is built to make your mates billions, and it's too unsafe for government officers to download onto their phones, then you know they're not actually trying to help the situation. Even Trump's mob haven't managed to pull that con off in plain sight.
Putting one of the biggest cities in our country under those restrictions for possibly half a year is genuinely frightening.
But those southerners and especially those Londoners are doing ok so it's alright. And there are thousands of idiots, and many on this board who believed that Boris Johnson and the conservative party would like after the North more than the EU has. It didn't take Nostradamus to see what would happen
Ive also heard they’ll ban all non elite sport. Pubs, gyms and bookies closed but restaurants open. Sounds like an assault on the working class to me.
This is more depressing than the thread we had to move earlier today. This is no way to live life. I’m beyond fed up of it all.
It isn't living is it. It's merely existing, being a machine that has tasks to be completed each day. Suicide rate in the north of England is going to go through the roof. Even more than the rate of child suicide went through the rough in spring