No holidays, no weddings, no family celebrations, no live music, no live sport, no nights out, no cinemas, no theatre, no bustling bars, no buzzing restaurants. No spontaneity, nor any way to plan for the future. Instead we face years and years of high unemployment, huge debt, increasing poverty and ultimately hundreds of thousands of excess deaths. They should call that "long covid"
Makes me laugh. Shut bookies, but leave restaurants open. Less go in bookies. This has absolutely nothing to do with the virus anymore. It's all about keeping the lower lifes (in terms of government social hierarchy) under control now. It's all ******
The tasks of waking up, sitting in front of your laptop for work, remembering to eat, trying to figure out exercise, paying the bills, and going to sleep. What is there to look forward to with a life like that? Nothing. No progress or development in any part of your life.
Initially you'd say the government are a giant **** up but now it's looking like this was the plan all along. It'll get everyone arguing with each other and no one has any control. The only ones not affected by this are those in power and with vast resources. You'll notice their lifestyles haven't been hampered. The private jet brigade can live in the shadows without fear of retribution. Hancock laughing at folk, Jenrick again fudging public accounts for his own benefit. So many scandals which would normally bring down ministers and governments not now. Blame pubs, students, the elderly, migrants, hauliers, EU, Labour, the disabled, factory workers, PHE, NHS, have I missed anyone.
Basically the quesiton is, on the basis of what evidence or modelling does the UK govt believe it is feasible to suppress transmission of CV to a low level until there's a vaccine? When was that evidence or reasoning published, debated & subjected to scrutiny & challenge?
And that's the lucky ones who work in an industry that survives and who can work from home. Work in a pub, a cafe, a restaurant, football club, cinema, bowling alley, and the supply chain for any of the above and it's more 'wake up, worry about how you are going to survive, eat poor quality low cost meal, sleep'
It hasn't been because it isn't feasible. Everyone knows it isn't feasible but there are many who, out of fear or selfishness depending on who it is, are turning a blind eye to that fact. I also read today that a vaccine may not even work as the virus has mutated so much that it would only stop the original strain. As ineffective as a vaccine against the common cold. Lockdown forever
I think they need to be careful because if official venues close that are observing social distancing for 6 months, then unofficial venues will open up
But you're still helping perpetuate the myths that allow these draconian measures to to be passed and accepted. A few posts ago you wrote: "I just need to man up cos the Swedes wouldn't be like me, they must be superhuman and it's just like the flu apparently." It is just like flu. Demonstrably. It is an infectious respiratory disease where the pathogen is a virus that can cause a fever. Which is as close to a definition of influenza as you can get. All different strains of flu vary in their symptoms and severity. This one happens to spare the vast majority of young and physically fit people from worst of the symptoms. The longer we keep believing the propaganda that simply isn't true, the more it is repeated, the longer people will accept measures that aren't just failing to stop the spread of the virus, failing to achieve their intention, but are also damaging the health , wealth and well being of populace they are controlling. Influenza and Covid-19 are very similar illnesses. Some influenza viruses result in milder symptoms and fewer deaths than Covis-19, while others result in more severe symptoms, to which a larger demographic is susceptible and cause more deaths to those infected across a far wider age range.
Well I dont advocate it, but they are surely on the right lines for eventual civil disobedience and riots. Seems to only happen under the blues rosettes as well
Will it be easier to control folk if they're all locked down and subservient when Brexit happens and it's a complete sh*show? There's so many moving parts to the whole train wreck that it makes you wonder. Meetings not taking place regularly with devolved administrations or local councils must be by design to keep the lid on all of the dishonesty and shenanigans. Yet Tory councils and back benchers won't go the whole way to attack their actions and expose them. They're nothing more than enablers.
Before January mate. If Boris destroys the lives of hundreds of thousands of people tomorrow the army will be on the streets at Christmas because it will, rightly, be a warzone.
Xmas will certainly be the pinch point... Jesus, I've just used one of those management buzz words..... Must have a word with myself
What I had wasn't the chuffing flu, I was perfectly healthy yet now I'm not. Many of my younger colleagues who've also been affected by it would love to hear your expert advice. How many healthy 20-30 year olds each year have lasting effects following the flu? We need a proper track and trace system which folk can trust and be mindful using PPE. Normal life can't go ahead whilst this is around but by putting in place adequate measures would allow some of our 'normal' activities to return.
I don't think we'll make it to Christmas. Christmas is when it will happen at the latest but the decision and plans to do so will happen in the coming weeks when so many innocent people find they can't afford to buy any Christmas presents this year while the Tory toffs laugh.
And whilst we are at it, my grandmother was admitted to hospital. And instead of taking her from Hemsworth to pindefields. They took her to ******* dewsbury. Where only 1 visitor is allowed. Well, I say allowed, but no ****** can get there
I've just come back from a week in the Caledonian Canal. Seriously, we're selling up, buying a boat and sailing off into our sunset, leaving the madness behind. Just somewhere warmer than Inverness!