I don't know about healthy 20-30 year olds but I can tell you the name of an otherwise healthy teenager if you want. Who had pretty long lasting effects of a serious flu case that is. For simply an otherwise healthy 20-30 year old who had a 999 call and an ambulance ride to hospital then yeah I can make one of those too. Edit: sorry wasn't a teenager, about 9 or 10 actually.
We love the area, mate. In fact, it's my favourite place after Barnsley & Chester (where my son, daughter-in-law & grandkids live).
Stayed at Fort William a couple of nights, opposite Neptune's Staircase, then got a boat in Laggan, went up to Inverness , down to Gairlochy and back. Loved it. Already had the boating bug from trips on the Broads and Grand Union. This one has made our minds up. Gonna get some thing small for this country see how we go, in 5 years maybe bugger off to the Med. Nothing keeping us here. Peace.
The stats I've seen suggest in some years yes. Covid seems to prove fatal for the elderly much more specifically whilst flu proves fatal across the board.
Flu still tends to be worse the older you get or if you have underlying health conditions. Almost all illnesses are. But the correlation between the two is not as distinct as it is with Covid.
Trouble these days, you get a cold, sniffles and a but if a temp. Its automatically flu. Most likely a cold tbh, proper flu, you'd know about it
Wasn’t the stat just a few weeks ago that of all the Covid deaths, only (using the term loosely as it should be zero) 327 were people under 60 without any underlying health issues?
The Cummings Johnson Dictatorship is formed of two people who are narcissist/ psychopath personalities. The most dangerous combination of all. Cummings is in love with himself for being a genius. Johnson is in love with himself for being ‘world king’. Like all narcissists/psychopaths they do not understand or care about people. In achieving what they want, everything around them might be destroyed. They won’t give as toss. These lockdowns follow Cummings obsession with data. He’s already achieved his dream of a ‘James Bond’ Style control centre that draws in data in real time and from this he makes his decisions. The effects on other people are irrelevant. Riots on the streets? No problem. His data will tell him when and where to deploy the military. All in your best interests of course. If you weren’t a narcissist/ psychopath you’d approach Covid in a completely different way.
Many people have been fortunate enough to be healthy their whole lives. Other than colds and maybe chickenpox when they were a kid, they've never suffered illness. Good, I don't want people to suffer. They get Covid-19 (and I'm not for a minute trying to pretend this is a nice experience) and they just can't believe how bad they feel. It simply must be worse than that flu that's been around all those years that they've never had. People die of flu every year. Thousands and thousands and thousands. Of all ages. People suffer long lasting effects from flu. Flu is a horrible disease. Covid is a horrible disease. And they're both respiratory diseases with fever caused by viruses. The ones we call flu we've always lived with. The one we call Covid-19 we're not. And we're causing immeasurable suffering by not doing so. Protecting the NHS which in turn protects lives is a legitimate reason to try to slow the spread of this virus (that's all we can ever do, we can't stop it). Is that what we're still doing?
I cant answer your question tbh. Cos this government is all over the shop. If they truly wanted to protect the NHS, then give them the money and resources for a start. All that money blown on this, its eye watering. Remember we disnt have a magic money tree. But we do now. But of course the NHS can only have a bit.
Youd be suprised how many end up with varying strains of post viral syndrome from respitory infections. Ive had one this year. It ****** me. Still has to a degree as I am still not. However, I am back training with the pros and student atheletes. I can run again 3-4k at a decent clip. Get yourself out and push your body. Find a pub a mile away. Walk there. Have a pint. Walk back. Your lungs will feel like youve been necking petrol and youll be no good to Mrs Mullett when you get in but bit by bit theyll ease off. You can sit and complain or you can 'man up' and start making your body work again.
You can have sex with your wife or permanent partner as long as you are already living together. Fits in with their puritanical ideals