Get the kids to kick a live fox around, instead of a ball, and they’ll be fine. Pretty much how protesting / rioting protects you from the plague, but small gatherings don’t.
If your suggesting that eating a sunday roast is the same as poncing about on a horse while joyfully watching a pack of dogs rip a animal from limb to limb in the name of 'sport' then you need to give your head a wobble
Grassroots football is all the way up to step 3, it’s not just kids. step 3 can have 600 fans in at present.
If you're suggesting there's a difference between cows being shot in the head, chickens being shackled and electrocuted in water, sheep being knifed in the juggler vein, or baby male chicks being tossed in the shredder, all in the name of the 'great Sunday roast', then you need to give your head a wobble.
You should’ve known that when he decided to get on his plant based soap box to talk to you about the similarities between not being a vegetarian and fox hunting.
Not sure what it signifies if anything but my mate who’s a copper says all leave has been pulled for a couple of weeks. More than likely nowt.
Well boris can fuxk off. I've weeks for my divorce to be finalised. Would have been done ages ago, what with the courts backlog. It has left me just sorting me and my boys and I have little of a life as it stands. Certainly short of being able to find anyone else for the foreseeable. If he thinks I'm going to conform to another national lock down type style (even though I'm in the higher of the vulnerable group) he can personally come and try stop me. ******.
Well said. When I am asked about my choices, I talk about 'the line' a lot. Someone in my last job - in one way I love him to bits, and in another he annoys the fvck out of me, and I guess he must feel the same about me - posed a question to me which I thought was interesting. I answered him, over the course of my five years there, at least once a month. If there were an egg which had been laid in a forest which for one reason or another was no longer going to hatch a live chick; it was impossible for it to do so, does it go against veganism for me to eat the egg? I said that I can only answer for me, and not for all vegetarians/vegans. I said that it crosses the line for me to eat it, even though it has no possibility of existing as a chick, and that I'd not do so. My 'line' tells me there is no difference between eating a cat, or a dog, or a chicken, or a pig, or a... I don't get how it's seen as disgusting for some cultures to eat cats and dogs, whilst we happily eat cows, sheep, or whatever else. Did it have the capacity for thought? If the answer is 'yes', I don't want to eat it. (I know someone whose line is in the most extreme place possible. She won't eat honey because she feels bees have been exploited.)