Had proper flu two years ago, never been as ill and never want to be that ill again, nothing worked and after 6 weeks of fever, coughing up blood, aches, no energy, no appetite, breathing difficulties I went into hospital for antibiotics given intravenously. I was fked for months after, it really scared me, wouldn't want to be that ill again. I can see why it kills, especially the old. If covid is like proper flu I really don’t want to go through that again.
I had it a couple of times - not as bad as you but the worst case was in my mid 20's when I was off work for 3 weeks and took me at least another couple of months to fully recover. Definitely wouldnt want to go through that again either. The thing is with Covid you dont know some people recover within a week or so and only suffer unpleasant symptoms or even quite mild ones - no worse than a cold some have far worse and need hospital treatment and even die. Other than there seems to be a link to age its not possible to predict how severe but even then some younger people get it really bad and some older ones come through with no problem. Our current issue is that the cures being imposed seem to me to be far worse than the disease, they dont seem to be controlling it and in addition are making peoples lives miserable and costing many jobs which is storing up huge problems for the future
We've had months of people having a go at those against lockdown. I wonder if now because WHO have started to agree on it if those will change their minds.
I've had it with this government and their lack of any evidence that they're willing to share publicly. What hope is there for this country when MPs are as out of their depth as this idiot?
The first ripples of hopefully a revolution is on it's way. More and more are standing up to the government dictatorship and the Tory party should be sued and plenty would support it happening. Restrictions haven't worked and new ones will just make things worse. Pubs shut at 10pm? Everyone leave the same time instead of gradually between 10-11. Can't meet someone from another home in a covid secure pub or restaurant? Sneak them in to your home. Apparently with the new rules today it's still going to be allowed to walk around a retail shop to buy something to wear surrounded by many strangers as it's safer than meeting a friend or family member for a drink.
I'm glad Oliver Dowden has shared this phenomenal piece of academic evidence, with a sample size of 314 people and commentary that suggests it isn't representative of the US and might have incorrect classifications due to false positive tests. We're in such safe hands ignoring data from our own doorstep and looking 3,000 to 6,000 miles West.
That seriously is what they have come up with as their evidence - its even less releavant than that stuff from Whitty last week that showed that when you took out the 90% most common causes of transmission leasure topped the remainder at 30% ( or 3% of the total) The big question everyone should be asking is why is the goverment wrecking all the industries linked with enjoyment when there is absolutely no credible eveidence to show it will have any impact on CV transmission - I cant think of an answer that doesnt lead to me being accused of being a conspiracy theorist
We're on the verge of destroying tens of thousands more livelihoods and businesses than we already have. The country is close to being on it's knees. And the government making these erratic and ill-thought out decisions on our future are doing it based on a study of 300 people on another continent. We are completely f****d.
“Never waste a good crisis” as Churchill once said. The Covid crisis has given Cummings a level of control over every one of us that would otherwise have been impossible. Dominic will be very happy that - 1. The public now accept restrictions being placed on them with a few days’ notice. 2. People are willing to be tracked and traced. These might be good things in halting the virus. But because we’ve accepted the principle of control and experienced it new methods of this control can be quickly adapted, extended and introduced in the face of Covid and any new threats (Brexit). Just about anything can now be done. It will happen by degrees and most will go along with it. This isn’t conspiracy theory. Dom manipulated and deceived the public in the Leave campaign and this is the next step. He welcomes chaos and destruction because from it believes he can build some Utopia he’s never explained. Dom’s favourite quote says it all. "There are decades when nothing happens; and there are weeks when decades happen" - Vladimir IIyich Lenin Welcome to the revolution comrades.
How many times do you need telling? It wasn’t a prediction, it was a scenario. You’re a fcking imbecile man.
Personally spoke to a Liverpool based cafe/bar owner today who has told me that regardless of what Boris announces they will not be closing. If he wants to fine them after the fact he can do, he can do so every day that they open all 6 establishments because they do not believe his none democratic lawmaking and discriminatory measures against the human right to earn a living is legal and they're prepared to fight it in court. Good on them I say. I hope everyone refuses to listen to a word he says.
Quite literally a scenario based on if no restrictions were brought into play. Not a solid prediction like you try to present it as.