Ah of course. So it's a prediction that can never be disproved. That's a very clever scare tactic is that. My prediction, which I've based in academic studies from an unknown person that I can't disclose to you is that unless we all shave our hair off then we will die next Tuesday. Of course when we all shave our hair off and don't die I can proclaim that it's because the precautionary measures worked. The reality is that the measures recently brought in have been in place for nowhere near long enough or been wide reaching enough to account for such a huge difference between the prediction and the reality. The prediction was nothing but a scare tactic which even a primary school kid could see wasn't actually realistic in any way shape or form
If cases go down, it's the govt's bold action. If they don't, it's our fault for not complying and the restrictions weren't severe enough. Govt can't lose, but meanwhile the virus just does its thing.
Because Boris says it's unfair to target the vulnerable with measures that protect them. It's much fairer to ruin the lives of others to protect them instead. Translation: OAPs are our biggest voters, we can't upset them.
Wasn't Starmer in PMQs last week asking why the rate of infection was increasing in all the areas where stricter measures has been introduced? Basically because All.The.Efforts.Are.Being.Focused.In.The.Wrong.Areas
The measures quite clearly should be about protecting, shielding and isolating the vulnerable. It makes sod all sense to do completely the opposite.
Interestingly just as the Goverment is going to introduce more draconian measures - the outbreak amongs students etc seems to have peaked and be starting to drop off again in Manchester for example its early days but it appears that infections have been dropping and are now significantly below the peak.
It was a very long winded way of saying lockdown dont work but I still support the governments tactics.
Call them scare mongerers, that potentially a fair criticism. Calling them out for being ‘wrong’ just isn’t, it’s not what they ever tried to suggest was a prediction, in fact they couldn’t have made it any more clear that it wasn’t. It was a hook for the media to jump onto and they did it for them, but it wasn’t a prediction. Criticism of our officials is fair, but it has to be aimed at the right things.
But they knew it would be viewed as a prediction. It was a deliberate scare tactic because they knew people would wrongly assume it's a prediction. For that reason they must take the blame for releasing such ridiculous figures.
Agree. Got to be fair on this. They repeated about four times that it wasn't a prediction. However, they should be criticised for even showing that slide and plotting that scenario. We've had this discussion on here already, so let's not go over old ground, but there was possibly one tiny, scrap of data/evidence/insight that led them to plot those numbers. It was never a realistic scenario but it is allowing people to now step up and say that the government's measures worked. The reality is they haven't at all.
If they had done the right things at the right time in March and kept casualties to a minimum, everyone would have been saying they over-reacted and inconvenienced people for nothing. No-one knows what the numbers would be if they had or hadn't done this, that or the other.
there’s an element of that to most actions a govt will take about most things but especially this one. I can’t say I think increased restrictions is a particularly good thing but the govt had been so spectacularly inept they have boxed themselves into a corner and it’s difficult to see any way out of it given a weak opposition and a compliant press.