He's nothing but a lapdog for Boris. He insults but when it comes down to it he offers absolutely no opposition at all.
He has to correct himself after referring to the need for "divisive action" rather than decisive. Bit of a Freudian slip there
What do you want him to do? After December he is up against an 80 majority so he can shout and ball all he wants but it won't matter. He has been critical where it is needed and offered support where he can also. What would you do differently that would make any difference in his current position?
I'd be screaming and shouting that the restrictions don't work. That they are targeted in completely the wrong place. That they appear to be extremely discriminatory against low class industries. That Boris, his cabinet and his advisors are hypocrites. And that Boris is unfit to lead.
The best way to slow this virus down is swift decisive Local action and as the picture changes on an hourly /daily basis , the current Government have the advantage of so called experts both on the ground locally and nationally who are best placed to decide the policy to attempt to counteract the pandemic. Little purpose would be served in Starmer/Labour duplicating these efforts, so I can't see him doing anything but agreeing with what the experts are saying because apart from the debacle of test and trace, he doesn't appear to have the evidence.
He does come across as a comatose Nigel Havers, but as has been said I can't see what's to gain by shouting and bawling. He has to show some support for measures to fight the virus as if he didn't the Tory rags would be ripping into him and calling him a murderer. The last thing we need is attention being diverted away from the failures of the buffoon party. I only hope that when this disaster is over that Starmer takes off the gloves and gives Johnson holy hell for his disgraceful incompetence
I thought he spoke well today. Shouting isn’t going to work it achieve anything. There will be a time for labour, it isn’t now.
I would love it, love it, if he called out the Tories for the embezzlement of public funds in the form of PPE contracts to their mates. I'm allowed to dream.
I think he'll wait until the cases have been concluded. Not sure its wise for a former QC and head of prosecutions to get too eager and start suggesting a verdict has been determined before it has.
QCs don't win cases by shouting and bawling they win them by putting their considered arguments forward. Starmer did that again today Johnson looks more and more flustered when facing Starmer even his own side admit that Johnson can't handle Starmer. He had an easy ride with Corbyn he's not getting one from Starmer.
Millions going into lockdown. Government providing no scientific evidence for the measures. Opposition taking no stance on the measures. Just another day in 2020 sadly.
What, pray tell, do you think he’d achieve by shouting and screaming at BoJo? (Figuratively, not literally). You might want someone to oppose the government strongly and at every juncture - I’m not saying I don’t, but I want a Labour government more. He’s calmly and thoughtfully positioning himself as a viable and electable centrist candidate. Just as this horrible lot has defaulted further right when they got into power, a Labour administration would slide left from centre. But even a barely left of centre government would be a huge improvement on what we are suffering now. So yes, he’s playing politics and a long game at that. But we need to back him - unless you want the next prime minister to be Rishi Sunak or Gavin Williamson.
By being so weak and making his address to Boris so wishy washy, weak and powerless he's missed he opportunity to make Boris look bad when he really is.