I have reached the same tipping point. Have plans for Saturday to go watch the game at friends house, I will be doing. My parents are off to visit my brother and his kids at the weekend. They too will be going ahead as planned. I've simply had enough of it all now.
I just said something similar to the Mrs Surely you would at least define the low level tier - even if you decide no region fits it at the moment
Another thing about the App which is particularly useless it only tells you the risk area of your own postcode area - not the risk area of where you actually are as far as I can tell. You also cant put in a postcode to get the risk level to help decide whether to go there or not
Just to confirm Barnsley Rotherham Sheffield and Doncaster all come in under the High Setting - same as Manchester and Leeds according to the list in the huffington post https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/en...8488a7c5b62f97bac640eb?utm_hp_ref=uk-politics
Rule of 6 has been in place for 4 weeks, 10pm curfew for almost 3. Cases still rising across England. So in what sense does Tier 1 make sense if aim is to get cases DOWN? or are we just waiting our turn at tiers 2 & 3??
I live in Leicester and my parents live in Barnsley. I'll still be going to see them at some point over the next few weeks, and may go for a beer with my dad and a coffee with my mum to support local businesses. I've stuck to all the rules and restrictions for the last 7 months and barely a thing has changed, so ******** to it. This corrupt, tax avoidance-enabling, North-hating government can get in the sea. **** Tier 2 and **** Johnson and co.
— The tiers go up to Very High. Most tiers only go up to High. Where can you go from High? — I don't know. — Nowhere. Exactly. If we need that extra push we go to Very High — Why not make High the highest tier and Low the lowest? — ... these go to up to Very High.
As I say I feel exactly the same. Despite disagreeing with many of the restrictions I've followed them all. I've had enough.
Except you'll have to sit at different tables. But the pub won't be open anyway - they can't make it pay like this.
Not necessarily - some of them are ones that are usually Labour but switched to Tory at the last elections