Or with his failed marriage or nutter son or not adhering to rule of 6 being caught out on at least two occasions. Looking at his last 18 months his 14 percent win rate at Oldham is the successful part.
There’s a difference . If the club don’t allow ( stated in contract) a manager to talk to another club. And that club and manager are engaged in talks without permission. that’s tapping up. Stendel had a new contract extension on the table, but dithered over it. If a club approach another club for permission to talk to the manager. That has to be agreed. Irrespective of the present manager being aware. Have you got proof that wasn’t the case. Genuine question. I May need reminding. 2 clubs in the last week or so. Talked to managers. Although out of work. And put em in charge the same day the other was sacked. Did/do they have to give the outgoing manager prior notice. ? Not that I’m aware. New York red bulls were given permission to talk, 2 scenarios. 1. Permission granted. no clause. 2. No choice. clause in contract. The 2nd was acted on. There were lots of things to sort out with Stendel. If he was put on gardening leave. Which seems to have been the case. To my mind. That’s where it got messy. Taking the job at Hearts. I would imagine was still a legal contention. I can only assume they drew a line under it. As it would have cost both clubs more in costs than it was worth. They’d always monitored the situation with struber and kept in contact. Not unusual..It was supposedly common knowledge they were admirers and may have been 1st choice even before Morais. ( you don’t always get what you want) Stendel would have realised that n’all at the time if it was the case. But I believe they only approached again when it was clear Stendel wasn’t going to sign the extension. And exacerbated by the fact stendel was caught out.
No, we played it by the book & asked permission from his club to speak to Struber & paid the agreed compensation
Monitoring a situation is not unusual. Cos they kept in contact doesn’t make it unusual either. Acting on it is different.( tapping up)I can’t remember the board being accused of that. Have you proof they acted on the situation. Prior to being given permission. As I say. Stendel had a new contract on the table. Doesn’t smack of desperation to get shut to me.
Happens all the time in all walks of life. I’ve been offered jobs by competitors in the past, which I’ve turned down, but they’ve stayed in contact. Now of course the reason they were doing it was in case my situation changed and they wanted to be first in line, that’s not underhand that’s keeping options open. To this day, even though I’m not in the industry anymore they still stay in touch.
If you're not keeping in contact with highly rated people within your sector, doing similar jobs to the ones you may have open in the future, then you're doing something very, very wrong. Any CEO/owner worth his salt works in that way. Just to stay up to date on what's happening in the sector, thoughts on specific things, etc. You're trying to make out that they were regularly 'in contact' about him being Head Coach. They never said that. Maybe the conversations lent towards that persuasion, we'll never know, but you can't claim 'in contact' to mean that. Well you can, but it isn't fair.
It’s completely fair. Why else would owners or high level administrative people of a club be in contact (by their own admission) with the coach of another club when they already have one? You’ve got to be naive in the extreme to think Conway was asking for schnitzel tips!
Because that’s what people in industries do. It’s smart. Getting the views of a highly rated European coach on a variety of football matters, or just to chew the fat in general, is absolutely fine and happens every single day. I’d be more upset if we weren’t checking in with various talented people across the world of football. As soon as we went in to lockdown I spoke to more previous/prospective senior bosses than I had for the six months prior. They weren’t lining me up to replace someone they already employed.
It’s ok, you condone our owners tapping up new coaches, that’s fine. Just be consistent. That’s only fair after all.
Wow. That’s a wild one. I’ll bob out at this point as I can’t really say much more. Plenty of people have given you examples of why it isn’t tapping up though.
It’s obviously tapping up. What other reason is there to speak to a random coach? I’ve not seen a single example of why it’s not tapping up. yours was the first one which confirmed it was, though you chose not to refer to it as such.
Not tapping up. As loko says some of us have tried to point out. . If you can’t see the difference. Then it’s pointless carrying on. Can’t really say much more either. That’s 2 on us.
Big double standards. Keeping tabs on industry rivals is absolutely fine and standard practice but for a manager to do the same is utter treason and breach of contract. The view of this depends on people’s opinion of the club’s owners, long term investors or short term opportunists..
If you believe the rumours about the Manager, he wasn’t keeping tabs, he was actively talking about a specific job/role and allegedly trying to take others with him, that’s completely different to keeping tabs.
Ones legal. ones not. The opinion of the clubs owners by some. Is born out of hatred. Some need to Take the blinkers off and take each statement on its own merits. Not go blindly in trying to look for something then put everything in a bad light. I don’t agree or disagree with everything they do or say. And will respond positively or negatively on its own merits. Some are so Predictabie. They enjoy the challenge. And the same people predictably join in. I think it’s time to stop responding to the same arguments as it’s becoming tedious. We get it.