Did you not see how rattled Boris was when he responded to Sir Keir? He is right to support restrictions to try and control the virus but right to question the illogical, uneven and ultimately unsuccessful way this government have gone about things. No point firing all his guns off in less than the first year of a five-year rotten Parliament. Starmer is way smarter than Boris and will look stable and sensible come the next election. Whether Boris will still be there come the next election is anybody's guess, but my suspicion is he will not.
pits pretty easy to rattle Boris at the moment, it would be better if instead of just attacking his ideas he came up with something better though instead of just countering on
Respectfully disagree. Boris is in charge now and for the next 4+ years. If Starmer puts up his plans now 1) They probably won't be relevant in 4+ years time 2) His plan would then be there to be shot at - as opposed to leaving ******** Boris's plans in the spotlight.
Absolutely how I saw it. Agreed on the latest Strategy. But with the caveat. Better testing. Better monitoring. ( track and trace) Improvement for affected businesses. And employees losing jobs. Definitely no more **** ups which have been numerous. It wasn’t brilliant but made points. Made some of the points ST is banging on about. He still has to show some support as he openly did. If he’d have gone in gung ho. Folk would still moan. For taking advantage of the situation.
Do you mean like instead of giving billions to private companies to run track and trace allow local authorities to run it?
loving the crystal ball. There would have been no backhanders to Dildo Hardon and no 12 billion spent on a track and trace system that neither tracks nor traces i’m fairly confident on that.
I see your point but for me this should be above normal politics, people’s lives are at risk, that’s what I meant
Lets be honest, Starmer hasn't got a clue. He moans and groas but has no answers. He would be better supporting the government and looking as though he actually cares about this country instead of trying to score political points.
God forbid anybody attacks a government that’s no idea how to run a country . If MPs weren’t attacking him he’d just be rampant incompetent . How people can criticise the opposition that’s calling out the most incompetent Govt in our History is unbelievable . The country’s reeling and we start to criticise the opposition instead of the incumbents ? God knows what this Buffoon has to do to this country for some to plant the blame . I’m staunch Labour but if it were a Labour Govt this incompetent I wouldn’t be defending or feeling sorry for them and grumbling about the opposition that has neither the power,information access to experts nor mandate to anything other than hold the Govt to account .
Better supporting the Govt to do what , Kill us all? My goodness the only bloke and party to have no idea are the ones running the fekin country. Get them out before they kill more people incompetent is too mild a word for these cretins and those that still support them .
Sorry Marlon, but that’s no way defending the government, I just think when people are dying or at risk of there should be constructive ideas being put from all sides, not the usual party politics
That’s for the govt to reach out and put in place meaningful consensus , This **** won’t do that he’s still putting his favourites in positions of incompetence . He won’t even have senior and experienced MPs from his own party never mind opposition . I just find any criticism of people that have no influence nor powers a get out for this numpty in charge . Party’s if all sides have reached out to this govt but he insists on Dominic Cummins holding the reins and it’s killing us .