Seen it too TBH, we would have Union reps, Partners etc turn up and clearly kept in the dark, for it to all come out. The amount of times we had partners apologise at end was unreal. Thankfully it was almost impossible to get sacked where we worked.
Can only judge our owners on their actions whilst here and decided I couldn’t trust a word they say, but can’t wait to hear them tell us they have been in touch with Strubers replacement throughout his time here and that he was actually number one choice ala the Stendel situation.
The daft thing is mate. I and many others on here including yourself. Although boomers. Fought through the 70’s/80’s. To keep those rights and standards of living. Ask some of the new generations. What they’ll do to keep those rights. ‘“ I can’t afford a day on strike. I’ll not be able to manage.” Well live within your means idiots. I had no income for Twelve months in my house. So don’t say we’ve had it easy. Would I do it again not knowing the outcome. Absolutely. And join a union if you can, don’t let everyone else fight your battles. Better conditions/wages. You reap the benefits on the back of others. Hang your heads. Cost of a pint a week.
The problem here is, there isn’t a single thing these owners could do to change your mind on them now. You’ve decided you don’t like them, and no amount of explanation from them or anyone, will make you not think negatively on anything they do. I imagine you were negative about the signing made over the weekend too. Negative about there being no offer made for Woodrow deemed high enough. Negative that we stayed up last year, would have made it much easier for you to bash the owners. Basically, they can’t win.
Ps sorry to the thread creator. Gone off on a tangent again. Can find politics and racism in playing mabs. Now there’s a thought. Where’s Nudge. ( forgive the pun)
You assume much, and know nothing. I’ve never seen the player play so you’ll see I’ve passed no comment. how is it bashing the owners to hold someone to account over their definition of tapping up. Though no, hmm. He must be right. I mean it can’t be tapping up because we didn’t appoint him as our... oops, no hang on, oh bother, we did, didn’t we?!?!? you do know it was officially confirmed by the club they’d been keeping in contact with Struber, who was in work, while we had someone in position. none of that is negative, it is absolute fact. But if you want your own bias and prejudice to colour your judgement of fact, feel free to use your prerogative. You will do so regardless.
Exactly so . I had this debate on here only a few months ago , not that some of us didn’t fight for these rights but because our generation over years voted for certain govts that eroded these rights etc . As if the war generation had won all these rights and ours gave them up . I explained it was a continuous fight and after the eighties the next generation just gave up imo . Didn’t see the big demonstrations or the picket lines we had , work places were putting in draconian measures without so much as a whimper but yet it’s our fault because people were buying council houses etc . They’re still buying council houses but I don’t see any significant opposition to it from them nor the anti union laws the Tories keep introducing . If you want it fight for it , we did .
Owt positive to say. Intrigued. You still don’t get what folk are saying, preferring your version no one will convince you any different. fine your perogative,. Give it a rest. We will have to agree to disagree. Await your next criticism with anticipation.