So last night ended up in A&E (couldn't breath at 22:00 watching NFL), was placed on oxygen until 11:00 this morning, thankfully was able to maintain my SATs and was sent home with half of the contents of pharmacy. My specialist attended which was good and was quite open with me. Basically I'm like many adults aged 25-40 who have had Covid and will for many years now need help whenever I get a cold. I've suffered with my sinus for years due to injuries to my nose Ultimately these virus then get on my chest. The specialist said I was low risk to covid due my levels of fitness and lifestyle yet like 6 out of 18 colleagues (my team) have had long lasting post covid conditions. Ages range from 24-44. 3 of which are 24-30 and 2 and I can no longer do deep rummage using air tanks. I've worked with 14 of my team for 7 years, in that time most have either the proper flu or chest infections. At no time were any of us hospitalised. Oh and I found out the 49ers got hammered, happy days!
I've been saying since about February that there was growing evidence of long-term effects, to the mockery of many on here. Doesn't matter though, as long as people can have a pint.
I’m glad you’re out of there mate. 49’ers didn’t just lose. They were destroyed. Jimmy had a horror show of a first half
That hasn’t been the majority argument and you know it mate. Really disingenuous and spiteful for no reason
To be perfectly honest I'm past the point of caring. I'm almost at the point of saying I'll continue to protect myself and my family and everyone else can do whatever they want. The government could and should have ensured all jobs and livelihoods were protected. They failed because of this stupid limbo we've found ourselves in. They should have spent whatever money it took. The economy will recover. It should never have been prioritised over peoples health. Especially for a virus that we still know very little about. There has been evidence of long term effects for people that have the virus, even if they don't suffer the usual symptoms. It's absolutely insane that it's just been accepted that we should just let the young (the people that will have to live with long term effects the longest) get infected with something unknown. Given that jobs would have to be protected, the only thing that people would 'lose' in a full proper lockdown that should have happened but was fought against, is their recreation time "that's not really living" is a term I heard a lot. So forgive me for making it about that.
I haven't a clue what people's motives have been for the anti-lockdown drivel posted on here recently. It does seem to have been self centred though, with no respect for the virus and the risk it poses to long term health and mortality.
Even the world health organisation have changed their tune and no longer advocate full lockdown because the only thing that guarantees is to make poor people poorer.
Still a disingenuous opinion though because people haven’t been given the option of a full lockdown with jobs protected. You’re having a go and ‘beyond caring’ over something people aren’t discarding. Not everyone has a family to lock themselves down with and you seem quite content to mock their need for a more fulsome life. Flippant comments about ‘having a pint’ aren’t helpful or a fair reflection of the grown up conversations that have taken place on here (in the main). I don’t recall anyone I’ve interacted with not caring about any long term effects to people, old or young, or about the numbers of people passing away.
To be honest though I’m not surprised there. You seem to discard people being worried about mental health, families, suicide rates, livelihoods, businesses, record unemployment, poverty accelerating at a rate not seen in decades, etc. It is allowed to be concerned about all of the above AND be worried about the health of the nation at the same time. Going in to a full lockdown with all business and jobs protected isn’t happening. It didn’t happen. Will never happen. So things have to remain open and viable with the best guidelines possible. We have neither right now, as where the cases are happening and most common, we’re doing nothing to prevent it.
Personally my motives stem from seeing my wifes mental health collapse earlier in the year to the point of ending up in hospital. My children's education in tatters and for one of them physical suffering caused by the lack of treatment by NHS. But that's me, self centred and apparently according to some just want to "have a pint"
It absolutely could and should have happened though. It would have cost far less than the **** we ended up with and would have protected far more lives. All the other side-effects you've mentioned were also completely unnecessary and more as a result of the limbo than anything else. It didn't because the tory ******** wanted to protect the economy that they've ended up destroying. But this has been done to death on here. I'm leaving this thread now. Anti-Lockdowners will blame those of us that wanted to lock down, those of us that wanted to lock down will blame those that fought against the lockdown. In reality either option would have been better than what we had. The 'lockdown' achieved nothing because it was just a theater. They allowed factories and warehouses to stay open, they allowed non-essential business to stay open. It was absolute ********. In reality the government are the only ones to blame for trying to appease everyone and appeasing nobody and making a massive **** up.
On the other hand there were some doctors from Liverpool on TV earlier tonight saying that they already had more patients in hospital than at the start and they could see themselves being overwhelmed again soon if more measures weren't taken. Not having a go, you obviously have genuine reasons for concern, just saying that's what we are up against until a vaccine arrives
But I don’t think you’ll find many people, if anyone, disagree with either of these points? I don’t know why you tried to target people under the ‘as long as people can have a pint’ comment. Further fuelling some kind of false divide when you’re likely in agreement. The goal for all is to protect lives.
SAGE wanted a 2 week circuit breaker lockdown in September and the government ignored them. They went for a wishy-washy 10pm curfew and Rule of 6 instead.
Really glad you're OK. Hope you continue to improve. Yes, it is like the flu. Yes, the flu causes such complications. I have no beef with you at all, all I want is that you're OK. All I want is that you recover from this. But just because you didn't know that flu can result in exactly the same complications, doesn't mean that isn't the case. It just means you didn't know. Hope you're alright, genuinely, hope you appreciate I'm not having a go at you.
The government would love this thread, folk turning on each other. Whichever side of the argument you're on don't lose sight of the fact that if they hadn't basically been criminally negligent for the past 6 months (with more than a faint whiff of corruption and cronyism) we might not have needed the argument at all.