Tomorrow as we are not allowed to serve our customers in Liverpool but are also not entitled to claim any financial help as technically we can open, we have just had our customers ripped from us but we technically can open. Absolute ********. Still at least the unis can open
I wonder how many cases have came from all these factories mate....probably more than a gym or pub. Would love to know
I don't know what to say mate, I really don't. That's the worst possible news. What a state this Government has caused
IMO, you should see your sad loss as a big thank you. Unfortunately, it’s a “thanks for your brexit support” to Tim Martin. Not only have they made sure Wetherspoons doesn’t have to close, they’ve made sure his competitors do. Just not quite obvious enough is it? What a set of ********! People should boycott Wetherspoons. To my shame, I know people who support the tories. Sorry, I’ve no words.
Yeah that’s what we need, another Nationalistic party. Where does it end? I might see if we can vote for a village elder next, really go back in time.
Nothing happening to Labour other than the usual , Sun, Mail , Torygraph, Times, ITV news , Channel 5 news , Sky News etc etc and all the other anti Labour programmes these produce. Other than that . Oh but nobodies influenced , everybody makes their own minds up that’s how we ended up with one of the worst anti working people govts of our time’s . as well as incompetent.
Has a point though. Till thatcher destroyed SYCC we had the best transport initiative in the country. Some self governance doesn’t go amiss. May see summat evolve with the city region creations hopefully. Cos we get less than our fair share from central government. Relying on the EC for the regeneration of the coalfields for example. ( forgot, not for much longer) Not the non starter of HS2. The more we have rights to govern some of our own destiny instead of feeding the south. The better. Long live the people’s republic of South Yorkshire.
Great idea... Our Yorkshire Party candidates round here were former conservatives who stood and within a year returned to the tories.
Is that on a personal basis or do you have specific issues regarding his leadership? We have just rejoined the party after the ending of the Corbyn wilderness years and I’m pretty happy with him up to now.
Seems to have provided little or no opposition over the last few months. Passionless. Dull. Rowing back on most of his campaign promises. Difficult to talk about policies as this far nothing has been put forward which at this point in the electoral cycle is reasonable. No indication of a willingness to make pre election pacts or embrace PR so no grasp on the electoral reality of how to road map a centre left coalition into power (without Scotland there is zero chance of a Labour majority). Clive Lewis should be Labour leader and Layla Moran should be LibDem leader. Instead we get pale stale and male. As for Corbyn best result in a GE in 2017 since Blair. Regular polling above the tories until the media hatchet job and the daft second ref policy sunk him. I want a particular fan of his but let’s not pretend Sir Ikea is doing any better.
Well, the opinion polls, for what they are worth, would indicate he is doing a whole lot better. I guess the real point here though, is whether you are, like me, desperate to have a plausible alternative to a government that has inflicted enormous damage on the country, and are therefore willing to give the guy time to forge the kind of alliances you refer to (four years out from the next election). Or an unreconstructed Corbynite believing in some sort of fantasy future and willing, therefore, to be nothing much more than a protest movement, happily arguing amongst yourselves and spewing bile at anyone who has the temerity to disagree. And all the while letting down the people who most need your protection from the most right wing government in living memory (and I include Thatcher's in that).
I note from your earlier comments you were not so desperate to keep the tories out when Corbyn was leader so offered no loyalty then but you now expect others to do what you would not. From My point of view as long he doesn’t deviate from the mandate he was elected on as a continuity left candidate to take forward the vision of the 2017 manifesto then I’m fine. If it turns out he lied to get my vote of course I will vote Green and encourage anyone I speak to do so. Given that the last 2 attempts to win from the centre right in 2010 and 2015 were greater failures than 2019 int terms of percentage of voters I wouldn’t be holding my breath for Sir Ikea to topple Sunak or whoever PM in 4 years time. As for Sir Ikea there is zero indication that he either grasps the political necessity to embrace PR and make pre electoral pacts. Unlike policy this needs to be firmly in place within the next 6 months. As you need to speak to the electorate about it and why it means for the future and sell it. Certainly Clive Lewis who championed this would have had it in place by now. Ikea is welded for the old ways and I doubt whether he will embrace this. As for polls. Pre the disastrous 2nd Ref policy Labour were regularly in the 40+ I haven’t seen any poll with Labour in this bracket recently.
What a nasty little spiel - and from somebody who accuses the left of "spewing bile"! Maybe if people like you had stayed in the party and supported the democratically elected leader then the most optimistic and hopeful manifesto in decades could have been more than a fantasy.