I saw this quiz this morning and it says the average is only 82%. 20 questions about 5 minutes, just for a bit of fun see how many you can get. 19/20 for me https://www.regit.cars/car-quiz/driving-theory-test-quiz_32?q=1
A couple of trick questions in there You scored 14 of 20 14 - 20: You got top scores! Not bad for a none driver.
I got a couple wrong, one about high gear on ice (drive auto so isn't relevant to me) and stopping distance in heavy rain. Rest were fairly easy
"How closely should you follow the car ahead in slow-moving traffic?" This one tripped me up! I always was told to follow the 2 second rule!
Rule for life - if there is an option to answer all of the above (both of the above in this case), that’s generally the answer!
Always remember the stopping distance is doubled in rain but too many drivers fail to act on that and go bombing along as usual.
I got the stopping distances wrong - I remembered learning the distances when I took my test all the way back in 1981 and also that they were greatly exaggerated at the time so I guessed they would have wanted That said I know what the stopping distances of my car are in dry and wet and it certainly ins't what I put so I should have gone with what I knew to be correct The other one I wasn't sure which answer they wanted was the accident one I would do what the correct answer was but wanst sure what the answer they wanted was. Bit surprised 14 out of 20 qualifies as top marks. even if you guessed them all you should still get 7 out of 20
I got that right but its irrelevant as I now drive an auto - it didnt have an option to select "snow mode" which both my last 2 Autos have had
Nice one, still above average. I remember the icy roads one from a driver awareness course we did at work a few years back.
They do indeed. True story - years ago when I lived in Reading, we were flying from Gatwick to go on holiday. It was raining that hard whilst driving down the M25 we were actually aquaplaning down the motorway. Everyone driving carefully and sensibly apart from this guy in a Merc doing must have been more than 70 mph in the outside lane. I said to the wife to get ready because we won't be getting to the airport on time and sure enough 20 minutes later we were in a traffic jam. An hour later when we got closer to the accident it was the Merc who'd crashed into the central reservation. Idiot driver! Luckily we made the plane journey just in time
18/20 for me but I'm blaming others for the two I got wrong As someone else said already, I was taught to follow the 2 second rule And the other one I blame my mum - she was the carrier of the colour blind gene that afflicted me red/green all the same to me...
As someone else said already, I was taught to follow the 2 second rule And the other one I blame my mum - she was the carrier of the colour blind gene that afflicted me red/green all the same to me...[/QUOTE] Excuses, excuses!!!
read recently that annually over 300 people score zero in this test - quite an achievement when some of the questions are multiple choice.