I was under the impression this was a football fans forum. Yet on opening up the forum the majority of the posts seem to be to do with anything but football. Surely their are other social media boards that are more appropriate and set up for non football matters. ie twitter,facebook, etc. ....... and leave BFC .org for football matters?
Dunt du facetrouble or twitter, this is the only bit of social media I do. Does You tube count though?
Its always been like this - and the board which preceded it - if you arent interested in anything not football related dont read the threads with giveaway titles like "10pm curfew" or "OT State Pension " - most threads you can have a good idea what they are about before you dive in
This question seems to be asked every now and again. The BBS, and it's various versions, has never been simply a football forum. It has always been a forum for Barnsley fans to debate, discuss and argue on any subject. For obvious reasons, football tends to be the most popular issue. But it never has been, and hopefully never will be, just a football forum. It's my opinion that is the site's strength and long may it continue.
I suppose the world is going through quite a bit at the moment then it's expected that people will discuss other stuff. There's other discussions too, about music and cars which I find quite entertaining. I think it would be really boring if all we had was football and that's coming from some who has had a season ticket since I was a young lad.
There's plenty of room for both. It's up to the individual which threads he/she reads. That is unless you suffer from FOMO!
There are plenty of Non-Labour Party posters on here, be they right-wing rabid Tories, rabid Tories, I’m a Tory but don’t really know why I’m aTory, Greens, Libdems SNP and others
This board is the fount of all knowledge, I like it just the way it is. It IS a football fans forum, we are all fans of Barnsley FC but that doesn't mean we only ever talk about football.....
The band of wisdom and knowledge stretches from pole to pole, kind of like from an ancient Chinese philosopher to Young Nudger
Subjects from personal taxation, the existence of god, astrophysics & music relieve the monotony of speculation about whether we'll sign anyone before the window ends, who the next manager will be, or whether we'll sell Woodrow & Mowatt for peanuts.
Who would win in a football match ,Conservatives v Labour, reckon Boris would be a ball chaser and Starmer be a bit of a Trevor Brooking type