Hope you regain your full fitness levels as soon as possible DCM. It really does sound an horrific disease. I bet there are quite a number of people that have had Covid without realising it. Our eldest lad experienced severe breathing difficulties and had a persistent cough round about the time the pandemic first started to break out. His job involves him meeting members of the public and in pursuance of his trade, to avoid breathing in any fumes or foreign bodies, he opts to wear an industrial face mask. He visited his GP and was prescribed a decongestant and some type of steroids which made him feel ill, but to his credit whilst not feeling fully up to it, he continued to work. After his had symptoms abated, he got talking with a couple of customers who had visited the business at the start of his bout of illness. It turns out, one had been on holiday in Italy and the other had visited China on business. Both had been in self isolation after being found to have had Covid 19. Our lad is absolutely convinced that that is what he was suffering from all those months ago. A recent test shows however that he is clear of the disease so we don't know what to think.
I'm glad you're ok. As someone who was rushed into hospital and spent a month in there touch and go with flu as a child I know just how bad a respiratory illness caused by a virus can be. It's not something to mock, it's very serious. As someone who was again but by a serious case of flu in their 20s resulting in being rushed to hospital via ambulance I understand just how scary it can be too to have a respiratory illness caused by a virus. I don't care what name someone gives to the contagious virus that causes a respiratory illness, that's unimportant. Someone in hospital is someone in hospital and it's horrible so I'm glad you didn't have to spend much time in hospital.
the test shows only anti bodies and there is no evidence that having had the disease confers you with enough anti bodies to not get it again or if it does how long they might last. Could only be for a couple of weeks or months. No one knows at this stage. But all an anti body test will show you is if you currently have anti bodies.
Criminally negligent? GIve it a rest. They have responded to events, sometimes not as quickly as they might have with the benefit of hindsight. Weaknesses in NHS and the Civil Service were exposed and attempts made to address them. There is now no shortage of PPE. The Nightingale hospitals were built in very quick time and remain available. You can blame Tony Blair for the problems caused by devolution with the wee Crankie woman in Scotland exploiting the crisis for her own political advantage, along with all those who do not like the Conservative party and their values - quite a few people on here like you....
So basically, it's everyone's fault other than the governing party who have a track record of cocking things up and siphoning off taxpayer money to linked parties. Ok mate.
Hmm, the first wave we locked the country down because London had way more cases then anywhere else. So Liverpool was never overwhelmed in March, they’re just getting more cases which they never got the first time.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-54518002 I imagine people on both sides of the lockdown debate would have preferred this. It's much easier to justify blanket measures that affect everyone equally and are for a short, set period rather than closing pubs at 10 and having differing and poorly explained measures which are to last for months. I expect the overall economic impact would have been lower and it would have been easier to calculate what relief measures might be required and how much they would cost.
I'm thankfully only having quite minor long term symptoms post covid, smell and taste are still messed up. It annoyed me on here how many people were wishing they could just get covid and be done with it. Some of us will suffer for years now with symptoms
If anti-bodies don't offer some form of immunity then we definitely need to rethink our whole relationship and response to Covid as we will have to live with it on an ongoing daily basis. Let's hope they do!
This is just not true. My other half is a respiratory specialist and says pneumonia can, but hasn't had cases from flu before.
But pneumonia is a complication that often results from flu? Genuine question, I have very limited knowledge
Yes, folk don't think of that flip side, I didn't. I don't think Pontyender was including you & folk in a similar position to you in that statement of being self centered. Some folk do fall into that category though. I would say though that none of us want a lockdown but it may be coming.
I got a positive result a few weeks ago and even though I am no longer contagious I wake up and feel just as crap everyday with little or no improvement from the symptoms. I have had a cough/ breathing issues, lethargy and a total loss of taste and smell. But it just doesn't seem to be going away. For me it was nothing like flu. It seems to change as time goes on but unlike flu there seems to be no end to feeling unwell all of the time.
Glad you are safe. Like you I suffer from acute sinusitis. Normally, this means once or twice a year if I get a cold it can turn into an 'episode' with blinding headaches and a couple of nights of night fevers before turning into a chest infection. This thing however, am now 11 days into the worst I have ever felt (as is Mrs Mac). 11 nights of sweats, blinding headache, chest feels like its been booted by big fckin Jean-Yves. Never felt so low in energy in my life. Today I thought it can't get any worse and the coughing and shortage of breath starts. I really would not wish this on anyone and am praying for it to end. I'm 54 - reasonably fit and am hoping I see 55 in December. Clutching at straws for positives, I have lost a stone in those 11 days. Stay safe.
Numerous PPE contracts given to companies with no track record of producing PPE, without going to tender. Currently subject to legal action Test & trace gone directly to the private sector, rather than NHS / NHS trusts. National system failing, with test results not being returned quickly enough while contact tracing is regularly being passed to local teams because national team cannot reach people. Nightingale hospitals that provide extra beds, but we don't have the staff to make them useful Measures introduced that Govt scientific advisors have said will only have a marginal impact on virus suppression, which at the same time harm the economy All tory failings, all of which would've been avoided by a Govt not fully operating in campaign mode and craving power to be centralised.