yeah we stopped trusting experts around 2016 and everything has gone swimmingly since then. Let’s not bother with doctors let’s just nip to Spoons and get a diagnosis from the clientele based on lived experiences.
Ah mate disregard the health professionals actually treating it, some blokes off the BBS are far more knowledgeable
Originally he simply said it's not true Jay: Yes, it is like the flu. Yes, the flu causes such complications. TitusMagee: This is just not true. My other half is a respiratory specialist and says pneumonia can, but hasn't had cases from flu before. Jay: Which is a common result of flu.
Because I got the impression - rightly or wrongly- that Jay was insinuating that the flu is causing as much complications as covid. And my other half's experience is that that is simply not true. It really isn't hard to understand.
Well I'll tell you what. My experience of nearly dying and having issues lasting months as a child are more accurate than the experts prediction (sorry worst case scenario) of everyone in the UK having died of covid by Christmas.
No expert ever predicted that. But aye we better start referring all NHS patients to Dr SuperTyke the world world renown epidemiologist.
It really is depressing that we live in a society now where everyone thinks they're a ******* expert in everything because they can google. I tell you what, it pisses me off as someone who isn't an expert in anything in particular, so I'd hate to be an actual expert!
That comment didn't just apply to you, it is society in general. Like I have said, I have never said people dont experience complications, but basing your opinion on your own experience and ignoring specialists in the field and what they are seeing on a daily basis is just not a great way to base your opinions. For all you know you may be the only person that's happened to! Im sure you arent, lets not start with that...
No but you're basically saying because you struggled with flu as a kid that must mean that lots of other people end up with complications afterwards, and im saying that isnt a good way to deduce things really is it?
No I'm saying that people do. I'm not saying a lot do, I'm saying it happens. It's a thing and there are a lot of people saying they have long covid which is horrible and is something that doesn't happen with flu when it can and does.
We're going round in circles and this is pointless. Yes you can get complications from flu. It isn't and hasn't in my other half's experience generated the amount of patients needing respiratory rehab as covid, contrary to what others are trying to infer. Flu isn't as bad as covid in her experience for after effects. That's all i have to say.
the only thing I have any expertise on is economics which is unfortunately the topic which most non experts vocally use both the google and ‘lived experience’ tactic the whole time. I have to bite my tongue when they talk about sovereign countries going bankrupt or comparing a nations income to household finances as there just aren’t the hours in the day for that stuff.