??? What are you on about. Where does the post focus on defending the current Govt, or Johnson? If you bother to really read the post it is NO WAY a defence of the UK Govt. They have and I will say this clearly in upper case so as not to be misconstrued.... MADE A COMPLETE AND UTTER MESS, TIME AND AGAIN, OF FORMULATING A COHERENT AND CONSISTENT STRATEGY IN COMBATTING THE PANDEMIC AND RELAYING THAT CLEARLY TO THE UK POPULATION: Nevertheless my point is THAT accusation is being levelled at every other country and the statistics bear out that no other alternatives whether delivered in a competent timely manner, so far have made much difference. THAT IS NOT A DEFENCE OF THE UK GOVERNMENT!
I actually agree with the point I think you was trying to make about any government would have ****** up and struggled as evidenced around the world. The trouble is you buried it in an attack on the people criticising the Government. The reality is the sitting Government have made mistakes, some look deliberate, some self inflicted and some by trial and error and as the current Party in power have to take the responsibility for that.
I called Johnson Coco the clown out of frustration because he and his ministers have been incompetent. As to RedHelen's post I made an assumption about her reasoning. I should have let her reply for herself. My main point about the Government is valid. They are and have been utterly incompetent. Just an observation based on their actions. Ok?
Charming! Seriously, re-read what you put and how you respond to others before spitting your dummy out about people getting personal with you. She asked you a question, that was all.
So you have bought into the ‘it’s not the government’s fault, it’s your fault’ rhetoric then yeah tekky? Lots of coverage of the (bloody idiotic, I’m not defending them) students and other mainly younger ‘adults’ on the streets in Liverpool this morning on mainline media outlets. Why do you think that is? I mean it is very newsworthy, don’t get me wrong, but is it not also useful to take attention from elsewhere? Played into their hands I would argue. I am very proud to be more than slightly left leaning. I have vocally criticised this government on a lot of things. Especially their Covid ‘response’. I have never, nor have I seen anybody else on here suggest this, said that if Labour were in power everything would be ‘hunky dory’. But I strongly believe they would not have made as much of a complete pigs ear of it as the current incumbents of government. I’ve just noticed your response to an earlier poster. You really do come across as an arrogant and self-righteous individual in that. Given the general political leanings of most on here I can only conclude you’re spoiling for an argument against us plebs you feel so superior to. So I’m not too sure why I’m bothering - but your point about us ‘lefties’ politicising Covid. Sorry, that is just ridiculous. We aren’t politicising it - the government at every stage has done that. In initially not locking down when they ought to have, they risked the continuing functionality of the nhs and people’s lives in favour of going for herd immunity and to protect the economy. They realised this wouldn’t work and then tried to lockdown, probably too little and certainly at least ten days too late. This was a political choice. SAGE, who’s scientific evidence Johnson et al have so readily quoted and relied upon for months, have advocated a circuit break lockdown. He has now decided to ignore ‘the science’, having previously insisted he had to listen to ‘the science’ - and done something much more wishy washy. Again, this is a purely political decision. Time will tell if he’s right. I very much doubt it. We have reached a stage where even some of the staunchest right leaning folk can’t defend the actions taken (or even the inaction), so instead of trying to convince everyone that they’ve done the right thing, a dead horse if ever there was one, they just default to pointing out other countries which have been mismanaged, deflect blame to other folk, and call out anyone who dares to criticise their failures as a loony lefty. Yes this is unprecedented. Yes it was difficult to know what may or may not happen. But this government has continuously made decisions which were called out in advance to be foolhardy, they divert billions of the public pot to their backers’ companies to get no service or product in return as they just aren’t able to provide it. We have a prime minister who doesn’t actually make a decision without asking uncle Dominic if it’s ok, and Cummings himself, whilst making his cretinous and horrible judgement calls, walks on air and is completely untouchable, rules, laws and even taxation now don’t apply. But we can’t criticise any of that because we are just being militant socialists and biased? I will always have a bias against an unfair thinking and elitist regime. But other than that, no. Furlough and jobs protection was an inherently socialist act. In fact I bet it stung Cummings when they had to do it. I’d argue it should have been expanded more to help for longer - but then it is also hiding some inevitable job losses in going on for as long. But I was pleasantly surprised when they did that, it wasn’t a very Tory thing to do. That doesn’t mean I don’t think they’ve made a mess of the situation generally though. And in terms of the coming years, trying to rescue the economy, I’m frightened to death of how they will go about that - as the money won’t come from taxing corporate billionaires, let’s be honest. It will be a global recession, and they will deal with it like they did before, hurting the poorest and in a lot of cases hardest working folk the most. So I want them called out, I want them held to task, and I want them out of government before they cause any more damage. I don’t blame them for Covid existing, but I blame them for the state we are in because of it now; it is a direct result of their failings.
Look again at the graph I posted a bit higher - there are loads of countries with death rates well under a quater of ours and a fraction of the economic impact - of course a competent strategy would have made a difference - to state otherwise is demonstrably untrue
I'm glad OP posted this so us simpletons could understand the issues.... This post is moronic beyond sense, this government has failed, significantly worse then many other Western States, at one point we were almost top in every covid related statistic (not top in a good way). They've bungled every decision and used wishy washy policies to confuse people into accidentally not following the rules which has led to the move towards herd immunity they seek (Cummings said this on record at the start). How anyone can defend this government is beyond what my brain can comprehend, you would either need to be brainless or so indoctrinated that you spin every negative story as a positive one.
If you would have done great but even being at war is political. I think if you genuinely would have done the same post no matter who was in charge then fair enough.
It's language like this, offensive, insulting, belittling and argumentative, which means I hardly post any more. This thread is a perfect example of the futility of engaging with some people on here. Why do some people have to be so unpleasant to others? What does it achieve?
I'd noticed you'd been quiet this past few weeks I'm starting to think threads like this are intended to cause a bit of drama if i'm honest. A bit annoyed with myself for biting.
As you brought up the War analogy.... France 1940, no one (but the uninformed) now says that the French Army was rubbish, that they were inherently cowardly, that it was their fault that France fell. They do say that the political and moral leadership from the French government was poor, muddled and late, that the bad choices for leadership of the French General Staff led to to re-active rather than pro-active thinking, losing the initiative and eventually to collapse. Yes, you're right, if this was a physical army we would be overrun and lose not because of the troops on the ground, not because of the workers int he arms factories or the civilian population, but because the rot has taken hold of the head and it is eating itself from the inside out.
Classic this. Starts a thread saying we shouldn't politicise the pandemic then basically writes an essay how it's not the government's fault thus politicising the pandemic. Truly marvellous.
Again France has a slightly higher population than UK and to talk about population density is absurd, they both have areas of very high population density - London, Paris, Manchester, Lyon, Liverpool, Marseille etc etc. And low population density - Highlands, Auvergne, Snowdonia, Central Massif etc etc
It's nice to be missed! I did the Coast to Coast Walk in the first couple of weeks in September. It's 190 miles from St Bees to Robin Hood's Bay, and it took me a leisurely 17 days. For much of the route there's hardly any signal, and most evenings I ended up socialising with fellow walkers whom I'd met on the route. As a result I hardly went on the BBS, and soon realised that I wasn't missing it much. Since I got home I've browsed, but resisted the temptation to "bite". Feel better for it!
An enemy army would definitely overrun us in no time if the Government identified that we needed a new radar system to track their movements, promised us a world beating radar system would be developed but then gave all the cash to their mates and we ended up with a system which is basically a couple of blokes looking at the sky with binoculars and then not even acting on what they find.
I'd love to do that! It is definitely on my to do list. I think I shall take a leaf out of your book re biting, too. Perhaps avoid non footy threads...
Avoiding biting is difficult, but I believe you'll feel better for it. And as for the walk, just do it! It's a magnificent walk, and a great social experience as it's very popular, I've made several new friends through it. If you're interested, there's a map of my walk on my website here, with way points marked. A great experience! https://www.wildyorkshireway.co.uk/mapdisplay.php?Route=CoastToCoastSeptember2020