Young people who have put their lives on hold for over half a year because of a useless government were out enjoying themselves before possibly another six months of punishment mentally.
As I said Titus in context. Summat needs doing to control these idiots. Why are people making excuses for morons who think it’s ok to do what they are doing. As for the army being brought in. If the police can’t cope. They will whether anyone likes it or not. Bring in the army. Not stating a wish but a fact. And for those saying it’s a democratic right. Well under the present laws they can be arrested. you must not socialise in groups larger than 6, indoors or outdoors (other than where a legal exemption applies) It’s only cos. The police wouldn’t be able to cope. Not only that. Attacked. They can bring in owt they want at a moment’s notice. To think differently is naive. I’ve seen plenty of human rights statements on here. And I’m all for it. But when those human rights are abused as in this case. Then they challenge what’s sensible. Not one person has offered an alternative to control these types of issues. Apart from water cannons. That won’t stop or control the virus spreading.
It’s clear that a large proportion of people won’t do what the government says, because it’s the government. So how do you get people to abide by the rules in order to keep everyone safe and keep the economy running? It has to be peer pressure - there was plenty of it at the start of the pandemic but very little now. In fact you even get people trying to justify this type of behaviour.
I hope they never bring the army in, they may bring them in to take current police taskings such as guarding buildings, people etc so the police can then be redeployed to police, we have no powers of arrest, their isnt a thing we could do that the police can't do at the moment.
The only thing they'll bring in are Weasley pen pushers walking along streets issuing social distancing tickets to people on their doorsteps. Like traffic wardens. After a few of them have had their faces caved in then the police will intervene.
Really. ? Putting the vulnerable at risk through irresponsibility you thinks ok. And it’s only them suffering mentally. Try telling that to those who dare’nt venture out. . Just need em to act responsibly. Young people you say. Who want to be treat like adults. Well ‘act like adults’ is the phrase.
As you’re in the forces. Genuine question. Could they not give you powers of arrest. ( as in citizens arrest. Although I’m not sure what that implies) The reason I say it, is when the police become overwhelmed. Say in full scale riots. Can they ( not now) provide emergency assistance if granted. Never had proof ( so never believed it) but it is widely stated on here that some believed. The army were used incognito during the miners strike. And regards human rights they tried to prevent us from picketing. So implemented a ban on travel .
I see you finished your post with "our drinking culture doesn,t help" i personally think that the hospitality sector are being made scapegoats here, apparently the stats show that only 3% of infections came via the hospitality sector, the east dene club in town closed for 10 days the other week because someone that went in tested positive, i think we can safely assume that the infected person had also been in shops (maybe in town), supermarket , maybe banks, all of whome have no track and trace and relatavely few restrictions, but its actually the place that does have strict track and trace, social distancing, face coverings, sanitising that have to close, what about all the other places the person may have been and spread virus, the thing is by keeping pubs open with all these restrictions their not giving them a chance to break even , let alone turn a profit, if they really do think that the hospitality sector is to blame then shut them all down and put a support package in place because this wishy washy aproach we,re seeing isn,t giving them a chance...
I don't think they know what is to blame for the second wave only what contributes to it getting bigger.
Our friends have a son,who is in the Army. They have already had training for Public disorder and Martial law, in the event of Public non compliance. I remember the 1980s and controls introduced then, the current government have gone way beyond that. They are also using Designated Legislation, which means it doesn't need Parliamentary approval during the 6 months of operation. The PM can do what he wants, when he wants and there is nothing that can be done to stop that,apart from being deselected by the Party. The British people are very naive and trusting about their democracy, that's why they get away with it. People moan and groan and form petitions, why would someone in power give it away?
im serving in the armed forces, not the army il add but theres quite a few on here,both serving and ex forces actually. When you say bring the army in what actually do you mean? could i ask how you think id be a help on the streets? what training do you think ive had and maybe what the reaction might be?
Concert square so doesn't surprise me in the slightest - place I avoid like the plague when on a night out. Tends to be students and the under 30's looking for a good night and a fight. This is why we are on tier 3 - can see plenty of good businesses not surviving this.
I believe Rohm was on holiday when he got arrested. Then, all of a sudden, there was no Rohm at the inn....... Sorry!
Isn;t it the case that the average age of people who;ve died from COVID-19 in the UK is higher then the average life expectancy though anyway?