Marlon your friend sounds like a Walter mitty, I have 3 close friends currently serving with 22 SAS, two of which were in my old regiment, I wont use your name mate but I'm just about to screen shot this message to them, i guarantee they will crack their ribs rolling about laughing
I did the foot and mouth jobs, it took me days to get the smell off me. I saw lads who would happily kill a thousand bad actors but were reduced to tears on that.
Just the gossip in his Regiment tbh no proof , But as far as telling Maggie to F off i very much doubt it tbh . It was at a time when the official secrets act was vigorously employed in the SAS and secret service with N Ireland Etc . Also at that time the tasks they were asked to do were far and above the call of duty to pass into the Regiment . Don’t forget they were training to be elitist and obeying orders were paramount and rewards although not admitted to were there for them . Indeed when the lucrative Security Contracts in Iraq were being meted out one of the SAS men who my friend knew very well and asked him how he’d got the contract he said you’d be surprised what Ive had to do in the past to get this contract today . Although it could well have been boastful and who better to get these contracts than ex special forces etc . There were a lot of SAS members who didn’t get them. A conspiracy theory but non the less lots of rumours in his regiment and around Hereford at the time .
Trust me those lads would, they do amazingly fearless stuff so telling a politician where to go wouldn't bother em. Most hate politicians anyway.
Many MP's who go to Hereford are introduced to the killing house, regardless of who they are, they get absolutely battered, no special treatment or nandy Pandy stuff
Our special forces are very small in number and always have been. Folk get seconded to them, but most of their work is CT, counter insurgency and reconnaissance. To use them against the TUC at a time Iran, USSR, Persian states and Ireland were all threats and unstable seems to me a stretch. In the 80s remember plane hijacking was common place so they were always training and on stand by for those incidents. Our oil rigs were also under constant threat believe it or not.
Isnt it part of the job description to do what they're told though by the government. I thought obeying orders is non negotiable in the armed forces?
People have this this impression they are all 15 stone handle bar moustaches blokes who eat babies, couldn't be no further from the truth, very humble, quiet individuals who are just very good at the job they are paid loads to do
To your ranking officers, MPs are just civilians so is the PM. I wouldn't say all members of SAS would tell a PM to F Off, a few I've met I definitely wouldn't bet against it.
Most are wirey chuffs who are nothing to look at. They're just wired differently, and are like always 10 steps ahead. Like you say humble, quiet and you'd have no idea what they did for a living.
I know what I saw in the miners strike as did thousands of others on the picket lines . This they were taking their numbers off etc etc because they were net etc etc . Many stories at the time from miners suspecting certain groups to be not policemen. I’m not 100% certain they were forced but I’m even less certain they weren’t. Many many stories coming out of Ireland to this day . All denied obviously but no obvious answers and some of these stories were from civilians not IRA or even supporters. I suspect some very small bands and or individual soldiers special forces have some secrets .
You said in an earlier post no soldier would relish lining up against our own citizens . Or did you forget that bit ?
One of the lads I know, 11stone wet through he's from cas, watches the tigers when he gets up, do anything for ya, we nicknamed him the lung because of how fit he was, he got badged in 2001 and his out in 2022, 8 years Light infantry ,21 years SF, i suppose its hard for them on leaving to get a " normal job" but most go into the private security sector and earn about £700 a day
To get into positions sometimes trusts have to be made and things above and beyond the call of duty I suspect have been called for . Some very unsavoury accusations have come from NI from both sides of the divide . Only accusations but non the less .