I'd say N.Ireland is the exact reason why our armed forces won't want to be on our streets in an enforcement capacity. The military always look to the past before engaging and making the same mistakes again. The covid crisis is both a humanitarian one which the forces are highly trained in but it's also a domestic political one, the armed forces won't want any part in that.
Their is a massive difference between putting public order kit on for people who are disobeying government guide lines to being on a baseline assisting the RUC having blast bombs, petrol bombs thrown at you, I've been on 3 public order riots in ulster and they are terrifying, maybe I should have been more precise, the ones in ulster were organised mostly and encouraged by the players ( IRA) as a distraction to something else, setting up a shoot, moving weapons etc, hope this as put some flesh on the bones,it was practically a civil war over their, if it was the same here how it was their then yes I would hope they put troops on the street
The armed forces on general wouldn’t I agree but there ms less conventional forces as in the war on terror etc which we rightly don’t know a great deal about . I don’t believe for one minute that there isn’t special forces out there doing things against our citizens hopefully got the good of us all . Fir years they said NUM officials phone were t tapped during the strike but it turns out they were .
N.Ireland was a quagmire and no one can claim any kind of victory. Iraq was no different but our lads and lasses again were sent because of bloody politicians and their lies. It's like in America, Trump could call in the military but he won't because his commanders will tell him the 'big green machine' isn't built for domestic issues. He called in the national guard during the race demonstrations and they set a perimeter and didn't get involved other than to control the situation by purely being present. Rules of engagement.
Security services and Met undercover squads are a totally different gravy and to say I'm not a massive fan of some of their tactics domestically would be an understatement.
I'm sure the gas / oil pipeline protection jobs will increase massively. The Turkish and Greek situation is simmering and the Armenian conflict will create quite a few jobs with the big producers. I can't see your mate ever doing 9-5 lol!
That wasn’t my point though , the point was PT said soldiers wouldn’t turn on our citizens etc but whatever your stance is the fact us they did . and because of the happenings in NI . My point is that at the time Thatcher were calling us the enemy within .Scargill was an hate figure in the tabloids and Tory press . The police saw it as us and them . The violence on the Picket lines was minimal untill the Thatcher rallied the police forces with lies as to what was happening on the picket lines . Is it far fetched to think others were drafted in on the same lies and hold venom against old men and people in shorts and trainers ? I’d sag the same sort of venom from these people stirred the actions of others as in NI
I was fighting in Iraq, all of us wanted to use Blair as a bayonet training dummy, we shouldn't have been sent by that creature, foreign contracts and the black gold, nothing else
Unfortunately the one who voted against and wouldn't have sent you was Jeremy Corbyn but I'd be surprised if many soldiers would have voted for him!
Don't think he was about then RH, not in a pm capacity, you're right though not many would have, I did vote for Blair though in 97, i suppose we all have our crosses to bear
R0 is the reproduction rate of a virus. The higher the number, the more people will be infected. Although it is getting confused with other terms, R0 is the rate in a new community and is higher than R - the rate of reproduction. Other terms are available too. If R < 1, infection is dying out if R=1, the state is constant If R>1, the number of infections is increasing R0 for Ebola is 2, HIV is 4, COVID is around 3-5, Mumps is 10, and Measles is 18. From R0, you can workout the number requiring vaccination to stop further spread (1-1/R0), so measles requires nearly everybody to be vaccinated, Ebola about 50% (if a vaccine existed).
My understanding of the numbers being removed was to hide which force they represented. The Met were the main culprits but other forces were brought in from other Southern counties. She had an army and she rewarded the police afterwards. That's why initially during the cuts of 2010 I had little sympathy for the police federation when they said they're coming after our jobs. They used to sit their saying the government won't come after us, the average copper brought up in mining and steel working areas all said itll soon be our turn when they've nothing else to cut.
he was very vocal against the war back then. But it’s easier for those uneducated to his past to just call him a terrorist sympathiser. A real friend of those who claim they hate Blair for illegal war.
a good friends dad was a Kent PC at the time. They were regularly sent up to Yorkshire and Notts even though the Kent coal field were striking too. Kent were actually solid strikers but it was more civilized in the south I believe!
I thought WHO had stated that the R0 of covid was between 2 and 2.5 which was an increase on the previous estimate
The war cost the Labour party a lot of good level headed MP's and ministers. Robin Cook being one of them. My mate worked in Germany for the RAF, they were moving kit and hardware months before the UN vote. Those working in logistics knew way in advance of the war. Bloody politicians!
I’m not saying it wasn’t some officers taking off their numbers to hide their ID but it was also a good smokescreen to hide other less obvious bodies. I can’t say for certain that parts of the army or secret service were called in nor did my mate clarify that is what happened . He told me certain few of these SAS men were very shadowy even in ordinary time’s . That such as Ryan and the other SAS writer were far removed from some of the men he knew. . I know that there’s certain things govts don’t or even can’t tell us some which sometimes the Govt themselves know very little of . Some of the atrocities in NI are still kept secret to this day and there are appalling stories that are out there . The miners strike was very important to the Tory Party at the time for obvious reasons and Scargill was despised even in Whitehall by the top civil servants . It really wouldn’t surprise of some stories and actions are still kept secret to this day . The passage of time may have dampened spirits , memories etc but at the time this was a very big deal as big as anything that’s happening now . Thatcher said with Venom the The Argentinians were the enemy without and the striking miners were the enemy within and that is how she saw it and the country at the time were being herded into the Tory way of thinking with everything geared into their ideals even the civil service . As I said it doesn’t seem that way now and some trivialise it but make no mistake we had the power to bring thatchers ideals to its knees and she mustered everything she had including the powers of the state and a hostile media with even the mirror group owned by the corrupt Maxwells against us . So as much as anyone who wasn’t there at the time trivialises it or mocks it saying it couldn’t have happened I still believe to this day as do many more that it can and did .