Just did, the clip i saw originally was obviously a cut one. Just watched the one Loko posted. Very rational and sensible position.
Burnham is great, and I totally agree with him here. Obviously it’s a while since he lost the leadership race with Corbyn, but back then he seemed lightweight and unconvincing as a potential leader. I also remember a leadership debate where he was wearing a distracting amount of make up. He’s come along way though and it’d be great to see him invilved with a Starmer government one day (I wish!)
Andy Burnham is Lord Mayor of Manchester Metropolitan District - includes Bolton, Oldham Salford etc. The Lord Mayor of Manchester City is Abid Chohan
I live in Leeds & all the student areas, Headingley, Hyde Park, Burley, Woodhouse, Little London are way beyond 600 per 10000. People come & go from these areas all the time. A regional lockdown is ********. It is a city with 5 universities & colleges. Somebody needs to wake up.
I've found the perfect tipple for those in tier 3 areas. It's somewhat unusually called 'A substantial meal' (4.6 Abv). Will be widely available soon.
Or get Scotland to stay as they are with their own rights. To help defeat the tories. Lessens labours chances of governing.
I agree, but not sure the Scots will. It's their decision to make. We need PR, like every civilised country. (The USA isn't one in my book). If we had PR there would be no right wing government in this country. Most likely a centre left / right alliance. Better than this shower. I'd rather dig up Thatcher than have this lot. They make Enoch Powell look like a Liberal Democrat.
Having a vested interest, I’ve followed what he’s said quite closely over the last few weeks. He’s supportive of a circuit breaker, which would result in stricter restrictions, but not GM entering Tier 3. His two key reasons are: 1. That a regional lockdown might not work, whereas a national lockdown would. 2. GM needs more financial support. A return to an 80% furlough scheme that isn’t targeted (ie any business from any sector can apply). The regional vs national debate makes no sense to me. I can’t see why anyone in their right mind would want to lockdown areas of the country where prevalence is low. This would do far more harm than good, and it’s the nation that would end up picking up the bill, not just the local area, which would mean more hardship for the people of GM too. The rational for a national lockdown is that it worked in March, whereas the regional soft lockdowns have thus far been largely ineffective. However, I’m very sceptical that even a national lockdown would work this time because there isn’t anywhere near the same public support. It would definitely cause a lot of economic damage, and the health benefits are likely to be limited. On financial support, I think furlough should be increased to 80%, but I think it still needs to be targetted. You would have businesses in GM that are no more impacted by the Tier 3 restrictions than the Tier 2 restrictions, that could suddenly put a large proportion of their staff on furlough when over the Pennines a similar business in SY could not. He says this isn’t political but his personal support in GM is waning after a disastrous plan for future infrastructure and housing that involves building lot of unaffordable housing on greenbelt land that was due to be pushed through on 6 October against strong opposition (it’s been delayed for a sixth time). He’s also pushed back the mayoral elections because of the pandemic, so no doubt has an eye his personal ratings. I will lose all respect for him if, after rejecting Tier 3 restrictions, he throws his support behind a national lockdown. I have no desire to see the rest of the country suffer for what is a problem that is clearly far worse in the North West than in other areas of the country.
?? I don’t know what you think your point is, but there’s a difference between a Mayor and a Lord Mayor, AB is the Mayor of Manchester.
I think people are missing the real point here, which is obviously what da fuq is going on with his eyebrows?
I'd say most of that is rubbish... The support Burnham has had for this has been huge and the public opinion shows a circuit break lockdown is what people believe should be happening. A national lockdown is needed but the government don't want to pay properly for it which is absurd if they are intent on making things worse dragging this tier system on that doesn't work. Pubs in tier 2 are crying out for support with more restrictions and the end of furlough meaning jobs just aren't going to be viable through no fault of the employer who has been bending over backwards just to keep the doors open the last couple of months. Not supporting those who actually spend the money they will be paid and then invest into the economy just doesn't make sense if we are to recover.
Should never have sent students back to their university accommodation. My eldest is in Sheffield and all her courses and lectures have been online. What's the point? She would be safer at home.
Well id be considering it as SYP have plans already drawn up for a full lockdown commencing next friday by all accounts.