Question on the ballet paper again was what? Still missing the bit where it says we leave with a deal??
Let's be fair here. It may have said that on the voting slip, but at every step of the way during the campaign the "Leave" side told us a no-deal Brexit was extremely unlikely and that the deal they negotiated for us would make the country stronger...
I'm so glad to have my new British french designed, British polish manufactured, blue black passport.
Since when has a ballot paper listed the manifestos and other claims of intentions of a political party. I said the campaign lied and it did.
I wasn't literally suggesting that you have supped half a pint of lsd and bath salts. I wonder if there's any correlation between your apparent inability to see through obvious hyperbole and your politics...
Mackerel or Herring - until Scotland and NI leave with most of our fishing grounds, then its a little bit of flounder to share around.
Again I'm not your personal researcher and I'm certainly not trying to force my views on anyone. I leave that down to quite a few on here who hate anyone with a different view and attack in packs. But hey ho if that's what does it for em.
In other words I voted Brexit and want it done at all costs even if if means a no- deal, because I voted Brexit.
That's the default setting. Make stupid statement. Unable to provide solid reasoning. Get the hump and resort to we won you lost lol.
Trade deals aren't a one way street, and they aren't put together in 2 mins. The WTO terms will kill us, the red tape alone and the costs to administer them will be massive. Look at the cost of Covid consultancy, its huge and get ready the Brexit consultancy bills. Wonder how you get one of those gigs? Doubt those jobs will go to the Covid unemployed. You can retrain as a carer supposedly but not a Brexit consultant I'm guessing
The cost of customs declarations for imports and exports alone into the UK is predicted to reach around £16-17bn per year - or roughly 20-30% more than our annual EU contributions. We are all going to be paying that.
I can’t believe it! It turns out the Chinese aren’t desperate to give us favourable terms and ready to take all our exporting goods... The Americans aren’t wetting themselves in anticipation of all the new capacity we have for free trade and aren’t happy to meet our welfare and hygiene standards when it comes to food goods... Never mind we’ve still got the Old Empire who’ll be desperate to give us a great deal on favourable terms... (maybe not - it turns out they hate us for our historic record of imperialism and oppression). Oh well at least we can have our old blue (black) passports back! There’s lots of things about the EU that frustrated me along with others I suppose but am I right in thinking that we also carried a bit of clout in our European agreements as well?
Never supported Mays or Johnsons deal personally think they were a but of a sell out on many issues. I wanted a pure FTA, freedom of movement for business and travel, agreement for both sides to accept a standards agreement on highest standard terms, break away from the ECJ. In the absence of that then WTO. WTO gives us the freedom that global trade in emerging markets requires, outside the saturated self protectionist EU market. Trade will not stop with them regardless. When these emerging markets want to trade do they look at the EU who discriminate against any country not in it's little club or for a nation open to a global future. All we need to do now is vote in a government who can deliver what is best for the country. I want that to be Labour but they so need to up their game at a time when you would think the tories are at their most vulnerable. Maybe Andy Burnham started the ball rolling but we need to see the likes of Dan Jarvis etc stand up and be counted now more than ever..