EU was always Germany and France calling the shots, with Italy normally backing them up. We never had a any real clout not being adopters of the EURO.. When you listen to world leaders being interviewed and they say the UK were always considered the problematic child.
It was quiet obvious months ago that this was going to happen. It takes 2 to tango they say and the EU didn’t want to dance. Demanding this and demanding that, never taking into consideration that we will be a sovereign nation when we leave. We just wanted a pretty basic free trade deal like they have with Canada etc.was always going to come to this. The sun will still rise on January 1st, don’t worry. Tbh, I don’t think this is finished yet, the EU might wake up soon and smell the coffee.
Oh yeah, I forgot. To go to WTO rules we need a customs border with Ireland. That must be there in 77 days. Even if we don't build one, the EU will have to do to protect their borders with Turkey, Albania, Brazil and the rest. And *that* will be blamed on the UK, so expect so fireworks when the Irish republicans start planting truck bombs again.
If I told you were still haven't got the relevant forms or IT systems in place would it surprise you? Theres always Excel I suppose? It's scary it's almost like the foreign secretary didn't know Dover port was so busy or that we have many big boats arrive daily delivering and taking them out of country.
That exit agreement only applies in the event of a deal. Even the great Gina Miller (cough) admits as much.
What does sovereignty mean to you? Serious question. How much sovereignty do you want? The more you have, the less you can sign up to any deals with other countries. Do you want out of the United Nations? NATO? ECHR? Council of Europe? Eurovision? All of those (except probably Eurovision) involve giving up sovereignty. The only truly sovereign country is North Korea.
The sky won’t fall in, but the economy will lose a great deal more value than it was costing to remain part of the EU. It’s not a tragedy, life goes on, but the thousands of jobs that’ll be lost so that the ERG can pocket millions isn’t exactly sunlit uplands either. I’m alright jack, but I’d have preferred my grandkids to grow up with the opportunities I had at the very least, but there’s not a chance of that now.
CDS was supposed to be replacing CHIEF a few years ago, but Brexit meant it needed to be 5-6 times larger than it was specced for. It still isn't fit for purpose, and the requirements are still fairly vague.
They are 27 countries we are 1. They negotiate for c.630M people we are negotiating for 60M. Its a bit like when you have a 2 way negotiation with your car insurance company. If you think the EU are bad, wait until we negotiate with the US
Ok then so what's your background to make such statement? What are you an expert in? I'm an expert in immigration and customs and I can tell you it's a sh*tshow. That's not a technical term but it's an accurate point and paints picture of the situation. Brexit makes my job more secure, but I think about the people of Britain who I serve before my wage packet. Weird I know it's almost like I'm a weird patriotic lefty.
So where is Canada's border with the equivalent of Northern Ireland? It was always going to be the sticking point, it stopped Theresa May from making a deal and it's stopped the "oven ready turkey" we have in charge now. Unfortunately Brexiteers are either too dogmatised or too shortsighted to see it.
No it wasn't, they said it would be a failure of statesmanship to not come to a deal. A oven ready deal to be exact in November during the election campaign. Don't lie to cover up for this abject failure.
And how does a Canada deal help our services-based economy sell services into the EU? At the moment, British-issued professional qualifications (including degrees) are not guaranteed to be recognised in Europe.
No deal is breaking the exit strategy laid out by the EU of which we we’re part . Of course it only applies if we leave with a deal don’t need Geena to acknowledge it . Obviously the EU nations never thought anyone would just tear all the agreements up To leave without a deal is breaking the agreement of which we were integral in drawing up . If we leave without a deal we are guilty of breaking our own rules and would be in contempt .
Not so sure about that. We can have the border in the Irish sea as mandated in the Withdrawal Agreement that de pfeffel signed - Thats an international treaty and wasnt conditional on us agreeing a trade deal - though whether the Clown knew that is open to debate
It may be hard on day 1 but it is long term that has to be considered. Plus when the failing EU project collapses as predicted, they are gonna be a whole lot shafted economically than us.. Surely it is defeatest to say our grandkids won't have the opportunities when there will be plenty of opportunities and hopefully a resurgence in building exactly what this country should be as an Island, that is self sufficient. We have the technology and minds to be able to take this opportunity and build a far better future than we have now. Pursuing greed which is essentially the EU model won't solve the worlds problems like climate etc.. COVID has knocked the world for 6 but as we are at a low point it is essential that we change the way the UK operates.. Green energy, climate friendly farming.. I'm becoming a firm believer that the UK becoming THE world leader on growing back on this sustainable platform will ensure opportunities for our younger generations, attracting the best minds from around the world (not just the EU). Again, it's having the right government in place. Have we got that, no... But we resolve things like that at the ballot box, firstly through council elections and then force it through to a general election. Trouble is, do we currently have a party ready for government?