Whilst I agree it doesn't....but that deal was one of those Barnier suggested. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-b...nier-maps-out-uks-canadian-path-idUKKBN1ED23R
No that's not the case, I am no supporter of Farage but he did say in his debate with Cameron in 2016, that No deal was better than what we have now.
We were in the EU. Cummings admitted that the status quo generally carries the day so in a vote, the majority would be for remain. The only way he could hope to swing it - as he’s admitted - was a campaign that preyed on people’s fears of immigration while linking underfunding of the NHS to the EU. Them 'foreigners' were the root cause of all problems. Those fears and hatred are now mainstream and the targets of that hated can now be channelled as The Cummings Johnson Dictatorship see fit. As Yoda said “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Another universe I know but the big eared lad knew what he was on about.
I voted leave. My reasoning is that I didn't know what sort of EU we will have in say 4 years time. The EU isn't a fixed static entity - it can change - for better or worse. The possible rise of Nationalism would concern me - Not sure what the impact of an increasing influence from the 'Eastern' countries in the E U. may be -- Putin a close ally of President Orban of Hungary. My reasoning is that if things go pear-shaped as a result of a No Deal it will be easier to deal with that than if we're part of an EU controlled by Nationalist leaders.
Well yes agreed on that but I doubt any country will be showing anywhere near decent economic figures..
Farage said it. That well known ballanced opinion. The same Farage who wasn’t allowed anywhere near the official leave campaign.
Well argued rationale. Sadly what none of us could have foreseen is that if we were trying to distance ourselves from extremism we've ended up being governed by nationalist extremists.
Boris was still repeating the £350m lie a few weeks ago (with a cheeky grin that said ‘we all know I’m lying but no ones gonna challenge this’). So let’s not pretend that ‘everyone’ knew it was a lie.
Of the remaining 27; how many have a rise of nationalism stronger than ours? 3?, 4? What’s their voting power within the EU? Let’s be honest; as of last year, the EU is a lot less Nationalistic
I'll amend that to almost everyone...I'd go as far as to say the only ones who didn't know were those who don't have TV, Radio, internet access or read newspapers.
It's not quite as simple as that according to this article from the German media....this suggests that Barnier is prepared to gamble too. Apologies they are in the wrong order.
thanks - we are 'governed' by incompetent politicians - if Johnson Hancock et al were tasked with making a complete and utter hash of the response to the Covid crisis they'd get a gold star! It will be up to us to vote them out. If the EU develops into an organisation we're not happy with it would be a lot harder to disentangle ourselves from it than it will be to dump this present Government. The reality is none of us know for certain how things will develop - being out of the EU with a 'No Deal' could be catastrophic but being in a Nationalistic EU would also be problematic.
But our prime minister was still repeating it weeks ago! are you suggesting that he told a lie that everyone knew was a lie? I’m not sure there’s an upside to that.
But we all know for certain we are in an increasingly Nationalist Britain. That’s not just a possibility, that’s an ‘open your eyes’. And if the Scots get their way, there’s no way that gets reversed any time soon.