What would you do when you have family members who are otherwise really nice people but are shockingly bigoted, racist and homophobic and will quite openly make comments?
Tried that. Really doesn't seem to work at all. Annoyingly it isn't just one family member, to varying degrees I'd say it's 4 of them
I'm very lucky in that I don't have any close family members like this, but this is the way. Educate rather than insult. Although if education doesn't work then feel free to call them racist pieces of distended rectum.
I've got a uncle N*bhead I generally stay away, but when the opportunity arises I generally pull him up publicly. Its my auntie that sends the birthday and Christmas cards lol!
Difficult that, depends how deep rooted is in them tbh. If it’s too ingrained and you don’t want to cause upset I’d grit my teeth and avoid being near them in company
My wife & daughter challenged some of Crystal's family for their racists views, but did it politely, calmly & logically reasoned. The family members then became personal and abusive. We no longer have anything to do with them.
Call them out on it. Every single time. Be calm and ask them challenging questions so they have to actually think about what they are saying. It soon embarrasses them, shuts them up and makes them think twice if they are genuinely nice people who are just misguided. If it doesn't then they aren't nice people and I'd have nothing to do with them, family or not.
Are they also the "Jamie Corbin is an antiseptic terrorist synthesiser" type? I had more success with the racism than I had arguing against that one lol
My dad once made an incredibly racist comment, and I told him: "You can't say that - it's really racist." He replied: "I am racist, son, and I'm proud of it." So I just let him get on with it when he's complaining about Black Lives Matter, or the number of black people on TV adverts. There's nothing I can do.
Agree I also think they can twig your views when you don’t join the conversation. Put em on ignore. So to speak. And even better if in lots o company doing the same. They’ll soon realise they are in a minority of themselves.
You tend to find they'd never be bigoted in front of the police. It's when they feel comfortable to make statements in the presence of like minded folk or force their views at family events. Some my of better half's family are black, at our wedding I told him if he said anything out of turn hed be needing an emergency dentist. He was good as gold thankfully. I actually think my old man had word as well, he's an ex fitter with shovel hands so his words may have been firmer than mine.
Both my parents are massively racist. In fact, my mum finds her own racism amusing. But your point about it being difficult when it's close family does make it tough. I wouldn't let anyone with my parents' views into my life as a friend.