It wasn't meant to said "It should always have been the case that a leave result should trigger a second referendum to define terms for leaving"....all I was asking was if you believe Scot Nats should be bound by the same criteria.
Any Scottish referendum is irrelevant. Any referendum about any other issue is irrelevant. What impact does a Scottish independence referendum and its terms have on the UK referendum? None. The point I made is irrefutable. Without a secondary referendum to define terms for the style of leaving the EU, nobody can claim they knew what they were voting for. They can claim they knew what they may have been voting against, but certainly not for. That is irrefutable. And any attempt to bring Scotland or any other referendum into play is further obfuscation and whataboutery,
Irrelevant or you think Scots should be bound by that principle?....just asking the question.
It kind of gets that way after 4 years of "we won you lost lol" and not providing any discernible positives to leaving the EU despite the question being asked numerous times. The frustration builds up when 4 and a half years of peddling the same untruths and myths, Brexiteers still cling to "evidence" that is easily disproved. It all boils down to wanting your country back- whatever that means. At least you got your new passport - I mean it's a nice looking passport, but is it really worth it?
Fonzie you were simply wrong mate.....unless you are suggesting that Ursula Von der Leyen is not telling the truth.
As I've posted before - the EU Army is a complete myth. As proven by independent website Full Fact. People say things all the time. Remember when Farage said we should all vote leave because Turkey are joining the EU and we'd be overrun by Turkish immigrants. That's not happening either. You've been had. Time and again this has been explained to you. Time and again the response includes Snowflake or Remoaner or whatever else. Remember the Red Bus? 350 million a week to the NHS. Lies. They even laugh about it now. They can't believe they got away with it.
Its as relevant as what your preference of cheese is between Morbier and aged Gouda. It is welcome that you didn't question the irrefutability that the EU membership referendum couldn't possibly allow people to vote for the future direction though.
Scotland can conduct their referendum however they want. And when they hold their next one, I'll gladly comment on whether it makes sense or not. Very odd you'd can't accept what Scotland choose to do is completely irrelevant to the 2016 EU referendum. Any binary question to a non binary issue is stupid. Are you hungry? if you answer yes you could get dished anything from a decadent banquet to a plate of faecal matter. And when you get served the latter, apparently thats exactly what you wanted given your yes/no vote.
The AV Referendum was legally binding - it contained the details in the Act to determine what would happen in the event of a "Yes" vote. In the end, the result was "No", so nothing happened, but it is incorrect to say that the UK have never had (or can't have) a legally-binding referendum. In the 2015 debate in Parliament, It was stated that this referendum would be advisory and that is one of the reasons that is was voted through in the form it was (in arguably a breach of Parliamentary oversight).
Not ignoring it Fonzie....but you said " the EU Army is a complete myth"....Von der Leyen said otherwise and proves you wrong, unless, as I said before you are saying she is not telling the truth.
It should have been the other way around - define the version of "Leave" first then vote on whether to go for that or remain. Otherwise you get the position where 8 million people want one thing (out of EU, remain in SM/CU, etc), and 9 million people want the opposite thing (completely out of everything) but they vote together. It should be the same with Scottish Independence - although there is a possibility that a strong SNP win next year could lead to a unilateral declaration of independence if NI leaves first. Determine what the path/process is, then vote to see if that is better than the status quo.