.. Can you please settle an argument with my wife. I fished a batch of Pork Pies I made out of the oven. After a delay for cooling I injected the flavoured gelatine stock. Now answer me this. Whilst I do like them cold, my favourite way is still warm when you put them in a bowl with mushy peas. When you break them open, the juices run out into the peas. Add some mint sauce and i am in culinary heaven. Now my wife , who is a Barnsley lass (so what I about to say is doubly disappointing) tells me in no uncertain terms..." that is wrong on EVERY level. Pork Pie and Peas do NOT belong on the same plate and only Meat and potato Pie is right!!!" Whilst I DO like Meat 'n Tatey Pie and peas I find a good Pork Pie superior and would always choose that if it is an option! Am I right/ wrong or are we both right? 'Each to their own' is a fair argument BUT how in all that is holy can Pork Pie and Peas "BE WRONG EVERY LEVEL!!!" Please advise.
A growler wi brarn sauce.. nice little snack A growler wi sloppy peys n mint sauce.. lovely combo, especially on a cold bonfire neet
Warm Pork Pork n Mushy Peas is definitely a valid option and the option I would go for, with Brown sauce lovely jubbly Can't say I like mushy peas with meat n tati pie though.... that option has to have baked beans with it lol
Agree both are more than acceptable with pie and peas. I favour meat and tatty with peas and a good ladle of mint sauce. Pork pies though if a Percy Turners I just eat as it comes. If they are fresh out of oven, its heaven.
.. Oh Dear!!!. My wife just exclaimed,very loudly, in my remaining good ear' ......MEAT 'N TATI PIE AND BAKED BEANS!!???.....HE NEEDS LOOKING AT....THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH HIM!!! See what I am up against! I live with someone who is 'Warm Pork Pie-ist and baked beanist'
The pie and pea van that used to come around sold pork pies with the peas. Btw, PLEASE tell me people that you used to have a van that came around selling pork pies and peas. People at work laughed themselves silly when I innocently told them about it (I thought everyone had one like the icecream van). Also, in support of them going together, Jack Fultons used to sell a really nice frozen pork pie and pea meal for 55p (now we are going back a bit in time). I don't even really like pork pies but I miss them.
My favourite combo is steak pie and beans, I have it probably once a fortnight. It's because I feel greedy having pie and chips with beans so I just miss out the chips. When I was a student I used to have steak pie, chips, beans and 2 slices of bread I did do a lot of exercising then though through dance and walking to uni and back. I've no idea how I could eat all that now though - I would never be able to allow myself!
As a young man I had a Saturday job on Barnsley Market and looked forward to hot pie n peas from the cafe at the top of the stairs ( cant remember its name ?) on a cold day. Pork pie of course.
Oh dear!! latest response from SWMBO... ......"JUST BECAUSE PEOPLE USED TO DO IT...DOESNTMAKE IT RIGHT!!!!!
We would regularly have jack Fulton frozen pork pie and peas for tea, I think it was one of the first ever ready meals back in the 80’s! the pie and pea man came around on a Friday night, used to bake his own pies which the crusts were to die for, changed in about 1988 to shop bought pies and was never the same. They both were steak pies though no pork or potatoes padding it out!
I can safely say that it wasn't in the 80s that I was having it from there! Infact I can probably place it exactly as I used to have it after coming home from my part time job at college and then they stopped selling them a few months after my first year of uni so we're talking 2005-2006.
Caveat! I hate the practise of microwaving pies (any pies) before putting (also microwaved) mushy peas on them like some cafes do. Nothing wrong microwaving Peas but pastry is horrible when microwaved. Those air fryers do a good job but you need about 6 or 7 minutes to heat them thoroughly and crisp up the pastry. Worth the wait Frozen as soon as cooled pies, thoroughly defrosted and then reheated in an Air Fryer are pretty much indistinguishable from just baked ones , at least in my experience. It makes lousy chips though. Brilliant for anything except frying which is ironic given what they are called and seeing they are really just miniature fan ovens.
Absolutely although Bonfire night we used to have jacket taties with lots and lots of butter with salt 'n pepper. Grated cheddar cheese optional. If you didn't get burnt by the fireworks you could guarantee burnt fingers holding a red hot potato in the tin foil without a plate!
Don't want to 'blow my own trumpet, but my missus reckons mine are better. I had to learn how to make them as they are a mystery (as are pies in general) to Italians Pork here is sensational as is any pig related product. Recipe is ... 2 Parts Pork Loin (I get Pork chops and debone them) and 1 part Pancetta (unsmoked streaky) with white pepper for the filling. Hot water pastry (someone brings me lard when they come over from UK (again something Italians do not have) Chicken stock and gelatine for the jelly which I inject when they have cooked slightly using a gravy baster . After a bit of practice I can now turn them out consistently although early days I used to raise them by hand which was a bit tricky as they tended to sag . I now use those springform tins so much simpler and consistent and far less likely to spring a leak. I usually do a big batch around Xmas. I love Italian food and ingredients but occasionally you cant beat some traditional British delicacies like Pork Pie, Black Pudding (Scottish ones - which I prefer to the English stuff). I also really miss Manx kippers. Someone sends me a big commercial block of Beef dripping which I can freeze and use for aithentic Fish 'n Chips. I get split green peas from the local Halal shop of all places which make great mushy peas too.