Whichever way you look at it some folk are going to die either way it's just that we ve left it to our government to decide . Shame the Tories did nt throw some of that furlough money at the NHS some years ago when it was actually needed . Penny wise pound foolish springs to mind .
I'd have thought this would have been spelt out to them by experts as early as January. But Boris wasn't listening then he was too busy having holidays etc.
Evidence also suggests the peak of infections was reached before the lockdown. If we had done it sooner and shut all our borders ect. We didn't. It's too late now the virus is endemic in the country.
I suppose in the case of Wales the 2 are separate as they are deciding to lockdown themselves, despite the financial hardship and suffering it will bring. In England if the government close businesses and don't support them I would say that the two are essentially as one.
Have a read of this. Explains it better than I can.
Yes. GM, Liverpool and Wales are. Birmingham is close to its limit Probably worth reading this to look at the Phillips curve
Interesting reading thanks. Would still like to see a complete comparison on yearly levels of admissions for context though.
Nobody gives a toss when we have patients in corridors every winter. I mean they say they do but they still go to the pub
Wren Lewis does a great blog well worth reading it if you get the time. He has a great knack of distilling complex economics and making it palatable.
sorry but that’s a reductive argument and not worth engaging with. I had hoped you were better then that. Clearly not.
It's also pretty true though. When patients were in corridors because hospitals were completely out of beds in winter due to the sheer amount of winter virus patients in them we didn't do a damn thing. People were mildly annoyed when they read about it in newspapers but nobody said hang on if we all lock down the number of people seriously ill with viruses will drop. And that's when hospitals are completely out of beds, not when they were at fairly low levels and with an extra about 20,000 empty beds in purpose built facilities.
Many icus are at near capacity but I know that’s not what you want to hear....If you are talking about the Nightingale hospitals who do you think will work in them? The only medical staff available are Icus. There is no magic nurse tree. The rest is infantile nonsense so I’m sorry I’m not indulging an argument my 10 year old would be ashamed to make.
I think you’re comparing ‘deaths at home’ with ‘all deaths from these causes’ - presumably the point being that deaths are up in that setting due to people being either refused or too scared to seek treatment from GPs and hospital etc. EDIT - Sorry, you’ve already realised this, should have read the whole lot before I jumped in.
They aren’t though, that’s the whole point. It’s 0.014% of the population in hospital with the Vid. Less than one person in every 7,000. So out of all the season ticket holders at Oakwell, just one would be in hospital with the Vid. It’s a tiny number upon which to commit societal genocide.