Been struggling with mental health and anxiety issues over 20 years for the last month been trying to get more help from doctors. But can't get an appointment you tell the receptionist and its sorry cant help ring back tomorrow no wonder suicide levels are so high it's only going to get worse as the winter months go on.
Have you tried the Samaritans mate. Don't let it get you down, please talk. I'm here if you want a good moan, send me a Private Mail. But please take care and we're here for you.
Samaritans Barnsley Address and Phone Number: Address: 77 Pitt St W, Barnsley S70 1BN Phone: 0330 094 5717 Samaritans Free Phone number: 116 123
My problems are mostly work related and peoples' social etic ate drives me up the wall. I have to reign it in though. I don't lack empathy but believe we should treat other people how we would want treating ourselves. I've learnt that putting things to the back of my mind helps. Laura will ask how was your day. I'll say," yeah it's been fine". Even if it hasn't. I've found regurgitating it doesn't help.
I hope you get the help you need. It's so wrong that they haven't helped straight away. There are a lot of decent people in the world who will be here for you like they are for this man......
It must be tough mate, with the profile job you do interacting with many people who you don't even know on a daily basis. I have no idea how you cope with those stressful environments, I really don't. I have retired now, but I had a really stressful job which also involved shift working so having to make difficult decisions whilst tired is very difficult. However, I worked with people I knew and worked with over a number of years, so knew who to avoid in the stressful times and who I could turn to. I was the same as you SD when I was younger, shrugging off the bad days when I got home and the one-liner to the wife when she asks how the day (shift) was. Looking back though I think it maybe wonder if it wasn't the best idea to bottle it up all the time. Maybe sharing the difficult experiences, especially with your loved ones, might help. Apart from being empathetic they might even be able to come up with a solution to problems or be able to help in some way. I'm not saying I'm right, or that you should definitely do it, but at least have a think about it. As I've said before, if you want a chat, drop me a PM. Take care buddy
Unfortunately despite what’s going on the doctors seems to still be rammed full of the old generation popping in for every little ailment they can think of, I had to go to doctors last month as put my shoulder out and it was as rammed with old people as it was pre COVID. Hope you can get some help from other sources as posted above
Your mental health needs as much care and attention as your physical health, although many of us neglect it at times. As mentioned above, talking can help - for most people that is someone close (partner, friend) or for others a stranger. If you feel you need help, reach out to someone or one of the charity organizations that specialize in this area - Samaritans, Mind, etc For me, fresh air, exercise and looking at nature helps. I'm lucky that I live near a lake with abundant bird life, so I can take a walk and watch the swans, geese or ducks. Not much further and I can be almost alone with views over the Dearne Valley. For you it might be the park near where you live, or work. Instead of sitting in your house or behind your desk, maybe get yourself out and get a bit of fresh air and a change of scene. Everybody has something that helps them to relax and de-stress. Finding that something can really help.
I'm no counsellor but if you ever need to talk confidentially my PMs are always open. Please don't suffer this alone.
If you've not come across this group, I'd recommend it. I've struggled with depression & anxiety for 25 years on & off. This year has been the worst of all, with business worries, no income, no support from government. The isolation is the worst & i've found some of these groups useful. It is often better offloading to a stranger than loved ones.
Its unfortunate but the older you get the more your body and mind packs in on you. At age 50 I'm on my first ever repeat prescriptions, and it's only going to go downhill from here!
You’re not on your own pal,I’ve gone down the non medical route to try to feel better.Fingers and toes crossed that hour by hour day by day you start feeling better.
The Liam Jones Legacy who are based in Barnsley do a lot of good work regarding your issues. Set up by family and friends of Liam who couldn't cope. We raised money through the fanzine from issue one to help them set up. Give them a buzz. Hope you get the help you need.
Don't be afraid to contact your local Councillors....they should put you through to a Stronger Communities team ( it may have a different name, depending on the Borough)...going through the team should get you some positive my area they really care.
Oh for sure, I have no issue with genuine illness etc, but it’s widely accepted that older people go to the doctors for a chit chat, you see doctors talking about it a lot in their books, tv shows etc