Gone from 14/1 to 7/4 favourite for our job Moore at 5/2 and zorniger 4/1 now probably be none of these but that’s a massive swing for ismael
Just means someone’s stuck some money on it really, probably based on someone ‘in the know’ sharing ‘info’. The second and third favourite have been linked for weeks now so it’s still likely one of them. No idea why people are still betting on Darren Moore
Just means somebody's had a couple of quid on. the odds will swing around again until we announce who the new coach is.
It'll be Poya Asbaghi. That way the club will be able to say it finally got it's man after head hunting him last time etc.
I had a fiver on Ismael at 16/1. I also had a fiver on that Frankfurt coach just in case @fired was on the money with the private jet. That fiver moved him from 40/1 to 25/1 so imagine what four or five people sticking £10 on someone will do to the odds.
I bet Murray to be manager until after Xmas last season, so imagine my anger when in December we appointed Struber, lost me £50 the bar stewards
One of two things will happen with this board in charge. If we go down, he'll get the boot with no compo ( Morais) or if he keeps us up, we'll be looking for a new head coach come Christmas 2021, because he'll have been poached ( Struber )
Genuinely wouldn’t have a big issue if it was Murray. We know little about the other options, Murray can’t be much worse, surely?
Poor managerial record when not in caretaker charge. Seems more of a coach to me. It would definitely be the cheap option if we went down that route.
GS was appointed mid November 2019, with his first game in charge the 3-2 defeat @ Blackburn on 23rd November
In this mess of a Covid world I'd be happy with Murray getting the job just for the entertainment of seeing the meltdown and chants of 'Snake'. All because the milkman's nextdoor neighbour, who once borrowed Murray's former History teacher's table saw, heard it was true.