I'd hoped for Burnham in 2015. With 5 years of hindsight, I reckon he might have even become PM given what he was up against.
I think you are mistaking me saying he should be using his voice and his position as an MP and as the MP that many look up to due to his position to highlight the disgraceful actions and call for a fairer covid policy with the idea that I'm saying he should be petitioning to oust the pm and organise some kind of coup.
Don't mistake Westminster for London. A large part of London hates the Tories just as much as we do. This is purely down to Westminster.
It’s not about Starmer. It’s about the fact that people who live in the North of England have little control over the decisions that affect their lives (unlike Scotland). Moreover people in the north of England are very keen on the idea that their lives are controlled from Westminster/Whitehall. It’s just an English ‘thing’.
Yeah he was the right choice then just as Clive Lewis was this time but given any choice alabour always pick the wrong one.
Why do you keep mentioning the majority? Again I am not saying he should be trying to overthrow the government I'm saying he should be making his voice heard. A single person in his position can make his voice heard, he doesn't need a majority to do that. **** me if everyone went quiet just because they didn't have a majority in Westminster I'm scared to think what the Tories would get away with.
And tomorrow he will be doing. In Parliament, where it is his job to do it. As will the Shadow Cabinet - at least Health & Chancellor will be asking questions. And will Ed Davey and Ian Blackford. That is their job - to ask the questions on public record. Don't think for a minute that Labour aren't coordinating with Burnham in Manchester, Drakeford in Wales, Jarvis in Sheffield and Anderson in Liverpool (although he might be on compassionate leave).
Starmer is a pointless politician. Never been Labour in a million years. Textbook definition of Tory lite. People say ‘yeah but he’s better than Johnson!!’ That’s not fkn good enough is it Keir.
Think this is spot on. Note the shift of Starmers stance of critically challenging while agreeing with the govt to instead pushing in advance for a different outcome and non conservative countries and councils taking stands. Its more machiavellian than a loudspeaker and a crate, but it might just start to make changes they cant do through the more typical channels of the commons,
Because trying to organise a coup and oust the prime minister against an 80 majority is very unlikely and wouldn't be supported during the current pandemic rightly so. Not only would it be seen as a distraction that we dont need when we should be concentrating our efforts on defeating the virus but who is going to take over in their right mind.
You still seem confused. I specifically said I'm NOT suggesting a coup. I said it more than once. Why do you keep replying as though I am asking for him to do that and reply with the 80 majority thing every time?
Starmer is just letting the Northern MP's and mayors have their say. It's a more powerful way of setting out the narrative. If he was the lone voice folk would be saying it's a South and London centric approach. He can't win!
They're a cult put in place to get Brexit done, covid really doesn't matter to them its about a no deal. They were all cherry picked to do exactly what Boris says.
How far do we think the public purse can stretch to support areas if we keep going into lockdowns? I've no idea..sounds like south yorkshire next with boris mentioned talks ongoing about moving to tier 3.. Presumably others will eventually follow.. Obviously a life is priceless... But exhausting the finances of the country will surely mean massive hardship if we ever get on top of this pandemic.. How many will perish due to public spending cuts in the future which surely all parties regardless of political colours will have to implement. It should be announced now a cross party task force to establish the economic way forward post pandemic not just the government whoever they be. We'll be in some form of national emergency so we will need a coherent plan with everyone on board with measures including maybe a one off tax on the top 15% in the country, another tier of income tax increasing the bands by 2% and keep the lower earners on the current rate. Just a couple of tax ideas but there will need to be a widespread plan and as above, treat it as a national emergency and cross party working.