"I'm saying he should be petitioning to oust the pm and organise some kind of coup." That's exactly what you said? Its ridiculous at the current time and after December unattainable. We have a Labour leader now who is far to clever for his opposite number and yes it's frustrating at times but the position he is in means he has to pick his battles wisely or be seen constantly as trying to disrupt which the public don't want to see. This government have this one all to themselves but will be pulled up at the right times and as last Tuesday showed we will offer alternatives and follow the science where we need to and create pressure for them to do the right thing. You might not like me mentioning the majority but it means you can't just shout and ball you have to pick your opportunities and create public support to make the government act
Im not Starmers greatest ffan but I think he is doing this right at the moment. Andy Burnham is leading on this local issue and even though he has currently lost the battle for funding he is miles ahead in people seeing him as right and the Tories as wrong . Starmer risks giving Boris a potential get out of jail card if he is seen to be "making this a political issue" Plenty of Labour MP's under lockdown have already condemned the goverment I think the strategy of showing Johnson riding roughsod over locally elected councils is probably a better one. Also Johnson is determined not to do anything Starmer suggests, so it wouldnt do any good Also Burnham is a better speaker than Starmer - he has got the point over very well this afternoon - Id leave it with him at the moment
Fair point actually mate, politics must be one of the only professions where the mantra is, ‘I’m less ***** than this other bland politician so vote for me!’
Pass. But we spunked 12 billion to keep Dildo Harding happy so if we haven't got enough to do it then that's where your anger should be targeted.
No chance of cross party working until they've got their Brexit. How much money has Boris spaffed up against the wall already. The regional approach was never accepted and today it still isn't being accepted. The regions are there to be blamed. That's all Boris does blame others after refusing to take advice from folk with knowledge. If Dom offers advice its instantly taken, if Dame Dildo wants to spend billions using useless firms the money is there. Why? The party of disbanding quangos now creates new ones (ever increasing) through their mates in private industry without oversight or using governmental procurement practices.
Erm... I think you are mistaking me saying [scenario a] with the idea that I'm saying he should be petitioning to oust the pm and organise some kind of coup Please god tell me that you understand. If we are talking about your pet and you say you love your dog it miaows and purrs all the time and I say to you I think you are mistaking a cat with a dog. I'm not saying you've got a dog
Ok. Do you understand what "I think you are confusing something with something else" means? It's what I clearly wrote, I mean most of it is what you chose to delete from the quote so you obviously saw it. But you genuinely don't seem to understand what it means and think I'm saying the opposite of what I am
Ok possibly I worded it badly so in my next reply to you I said... You still seemed to not understand so I said You still seemed not to understand and said I was. I honestly don't know what else to say. I repeated that it was not what I meant several times and you completely ignored it and instead misquoted me by deliberately removing the key opening statement of 'i think you are mistaking...' from what I said. I have no idea why you would do that or what your agenda here is but I have no intention of continuing to show evidence of what I said for you to keep ignoring it.
I don’t blame the opposition for the hint response I blame the leadership of the Labour Party for being absent.
might you are talking about pmqs it’s a pointless bit of theatre they no one cares about. When it comes to voting on important matters sir Ikea just abstains.
Didn’t see him next to Burnham offering support and passion. in fairness my eyesight isn’t what it once was.
was he in Liverpool? Was he in lancashire? I really don’t get this. do you want him to be everywhere in the country that action needs to take place. Burnham has done a fantastic job, the national Labour Party as far as I can see have fully supported him. there’s really a non issue here but don’t let that stop you. what chance do we have when we can’t even have a go at the real enemy.