Try Andy's Man Club. Peer to peer talking group. One in Wakefield at Trinity rugby. Plans are in the pipeline for one in Barnsley. Hang in there are doing great.
Don't usually post, followed the board for a number of years. Hopefully this may be of help for you and others. This stress container tool from MHFAE is excellent when dealing with mental health problems no matter how small or big they may be. It can help you identify mechanisms to aid in getting on the right track. Mind charity have some excellent resources online too. Try If I can help any further please get in touch.
If you've got the inclination, and fellow reds fans as mates sat at home for the games, don't be afraid to encourage pre-match video calls as a group on WhatsApp or something similar. It might help. It might not. But as someone who is also struggling mentally with lockdown I've been trying anything I can to attach myself to some form of normality and drag myself out of these lulls. The pre and post match Barnsley chat is a welcome release with friends who I haven't seen face to face for eight months. My DMs are also wide open for anyone wanting a chat.
It's so hard I'm not going to lie I didn't want to speak out like I have today. I used to drive trucks for a living and I had my medical at 45 like everyone had to and the DVLA told me I had to cut down on my medication of they would refuse to renew my licence as I was the main bread winner at the time I had no option but to cut back then all this covid stated and I lost my job anyway I have been trying for a while to get them increased but can never get a Consultation with a doctor it's unbelievable in 2020 you cant get help the only thing what's keeps me going is I'm scared to die
Well done for opening up mate. Seriously, please try and seek support from one or some of the options described here. talk to someone please mate.
Your not alone fella. Whatever issues you face, it's a ***** saying but someone else is in a lot worse position. Try focusing on something you enjoy. I've tried all sorts to get my lads away from the technology, and so stuck in a rut I cant really do much. So I tend to get them in bed and then chuck a bottle down my neck. Its not good, I know. And I've hit that realisation myself. I had to, cos I wont listen to anyone else. So, tonight. I've decided if you cant beat them, join them. Here's to me wooping my lads on the xbox. But seriously mate, loads of people are down. Loads are struggling. Me included, but just talk and reach out to the very people who have offered. Strangers are very helpful. Believe me, because they dont pre judge, and listen to what you have to say Take care pal
While I don't want to devalue the work the samaritans do with those on the edge who are seriously contemplating suicide they are not an answer for people with mental health problems.
Non-league football might help as well. Just being able to be outside, with a crowd of people, watching something you don't really have any emotion for but gets you out of the house could be invaluable. I'm heading to Garforth Town FC tonight with a friend and then Clapton CFC on Saturday. Appreciate we've all got different situations and it might not be realistic, but it's a good excuse to just clear your head for a couple of pounds and some petrol.
Very strongly agree with this. I know people mean well when they bring the Samaritans into it, but there’s very little they can actually do. I’ve used them myself and actually came out of the phone call feeling worse than when I dialled. The bloke even said to me “suicide is an option and it’s there if you want it” - I’d never even mentioned it! Even in a real crisis, if it’s out of hours I would still go for 111 over Samaritans. 111 will put you in touch with an actual doctor, and if necessary it’s possible to be assessed by a mental health worker that day/night.
The majority of people my age (64) or older seem to have a plethora of ailments, ranging from heart disease to type 2 diabetes which are mostly the result of their sedentary lifestyles. And it's not getting any better, it's getting worse. Younger generations are doing exactly the same, driving a mile to the shop when they could walk or a couple of miles that they could easily cycle. I saw a 20-something bloke this afternoon waiting for the kids outside a school, he was average height but must have been 20 stones, he'll be on an invalid scooter when he's 50 if he carries on.
although I understand your point diet wise etc, we just aren’t naturally designed to live that long, before modern medicine we didn’t live half what some do now. As such we can’t expect our bodies and minds to possibly do something they have only done for the last 80(?) years.
The power of the BBS never fails to amaze me.....aside from the disagreements and quibbles about sod all there’s a superb attitude from everyone when one of there own is his struggling!! As others have said don’t suffer alone, always at the end of a PM mate!!! 3 points be nice tonight to cheer us up
Sorry to hear this mate. Mental health is something I have suffered from for over 30 years. If you are feeling really low there's always the hospital crisis teams - they helped me about 9 years ago when I hit rock bottom. Had some good help and advice from some of the people on here as well for which I am truly grateful of. The fact complete strangers reached out to offer advice was an incredible gesture. I'm always on the end of a DM if you need anything. Take care !
This last 12 months or so has seen my mental health at its worse (I suffer from anxiety and depression issues) I keep it (my feelings) to myself when I'm feeling at my worst as I don't want to be an emotional burden to my immediate family. Its a constant battle against some very dark thoughts. The thing is with mental health is that no.two people who suffer from it are the same. I try and get out and exercise and go for a little jog when I can plus I take medication for it ( 100mg of Sertraline daily).
I've been walking in a morning a couple of times per week before work down to the canal and back, its about 5-6 miles. More than welcome to join me anytime JT