Honestly, What is confusing about 'wear a mask when being in close proximity to people who you are not in constant contact with', 'keep your distance from others' and 'wash your hands frequently'. A 5 year old can understand those instructions which have been the advice from day 1. Admittedly the lockdowns, rules and regs. for businesses and socialising have been in a state of constant flux but those three basics have been largely ignored by large sections of the public. But yeah. Let's blame the Government for the stupidity of a sizeable proportion of the British Public
Prime minister and Dan Jarvis to make a announcement later today on South Yorkshire Don't think there's any doubt what its going to be about been discussions over last week or so about funding and South Yorkshire will to be upgraded to Tier 3.
Incredible to see comments like ‘A 5 year old can understand those instructions’ and ‘the stupidity of a sizeable proportion of the British Public’ from someone who has admitted they don’t understand wearing their mask over their nose.
Another example where people don't read the original thread and it morphs into false facts. I do understand. I was told I was selfish for doing so by some idiot on here who did not even read what I wrote. I am sure all the hard working hosptial staff here who doe exactlty what I did would be happy to be told by some 'twot' 1200 miles away how " selfish " they are. I mitigated why I did so on rare occasions but the usual idiots on here tried to use pseudo science as to why it was wrong.
Incredible to see comments about ‘pseudo science’ from someone who thinks they are able to prevent all flow of air through their uncovered nose while breathing through their mouth.
No. I would expect treatment in line with the taxes that I've paid all my life. What a bizarre post. Personal choice is personal choice. You Tories always go on about freedom of choice - so I'd be exercising mine (incidentally, I've never smoked a cigarette in my life, I was just debating with SuperTyke). My other choice would be to move to Italy, wear my mask under my nose, then pontificate on things I know nothing about.
Less and less hope for the region, stuck in the worst tier. Let's see if Jarvis gives his people any indication as to how long it might last and what he has been told if anything about what levels they need to reach to get not only back to tier 2 but also tier 1.
I hope Dan's got a crystal ball then. How can he possibly answer that. Levels would presumably have to be significantly lower than they are now before there's a tier change.
So I can go to the Wetherspoon and get leathered as long as I have a brekky before and a chicken wrap whilst I'm out. I can't have my parents in my house or garden but can meet them in the local park.
Well if these measures are that good it won’t take long, right? You all must be really confident otherwise why bother?
You will not be allowed to to anything after Saturday. Thank the irresponsible and their actions for this. It’s a very sad state of affairs.
They rely on the stupidity of a sizeable proportion of the ‘British Public’ to be elected in the first place.
Official figures for Rotherham (w/e 10/10) were 273.9/100000, an increase of 103.1 over the previous week (778 vs 520 cases) - so either the Rotherham rate is wrong, or the increase is wrong (or both). This was from the regular council update email.