Concern for Barnsley & Rotherham

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by pontyender, Oct 20, 2020.

  1. Tek

    Tekkytyke Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2005
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    Once again someone talking nonsense. The flow of air is inevitable if you breath. Exhaled air has to go somewhere. If you breath through your mouth the air travels forwards. Try putting your hand a foot or so in front of your mouth and breathe out - you feel the air flow. Now repeat and breathe through your nose. The air flow tends to direct downwards. Now try breathing through your mouth with your hand just below the nostrils. In fact most of the time people breathe mainly through one nostril and this alternates over a period of time. With or without the mask the airflow forwards is minimal from the nose. The airflow out of the sides and above the mask even with a reasonable fit will exceed the amount passing through the mask and from the nose. Remember, these masks on sale to the general public are not surgical masks. They are designed for the sole purpose of reducing the speed and so the distance that droplets and micro particles travel. to that end they are reasonably effective. This is not "pseudo science" but verifiable facts. Much research is available online done before Covid ever existed about air flow through inhalation and exhaling.
    Breathing through the nose under normal circumstances is preferable. The smaller aperture of the nostrils means the air takes longer to expel, albeit at about the same velocity as when breathing through the mouth. this means the air does spend longer in the lungs and more oxygen is therefore extracted (again this comes from published scientific papers so NOT 'pseudo science' The othe advantage of inhaling through the nose is that many particles are filtered out prior to reaching the lungs and airways.

    in any case, I repeat ad nauseum,I only lower the mask when it is safe to dos so, i.e. not in close proximity to someone else, never have done never will. Try reading my OP without the bias you show because you perceive me to be a Conservative voter (also untrue)

    As regards 'ignoring experts' advice and 'rules' are different things. in any case they are always written for the lowest common denominator. In the case of masks there have been many contradictory ideas as to the benefits or otherwise of wearing them.
    Also common sense should decide. For example, If the rule says "wear the mask at ALL times outdoors" would you blindly follow that? We live on a road in Italy where , literally, the number of people who pass our house on foot in a week can be counted on one hand. I can walk a kilometre to the bottom of the hill and back 99 times out of 100 and not encounter anyone other than the odd car or van passing. Are you saying that I should climb a 1 in 5 hill in 30+C wearing a mask because "experts" tell us to "wear the mask outdoors at all times" ? Pretty stupid if you do.
    Most people apply common sense. On Sunday, we went for a walk in the countryside to the Abbadia di Fiastra Country park. On the way we encountered numerous family groups, individuals, joggers and bike and horse riders coming the other way. We all without exception (except the bike riders) raised our masks as we approached each other and then lowered them once they were clear. The weather being warm the area near the Abbey was bust and everyone was wearing a mask.

    I repeat, also, having had to attend the hospital and local medical centrers a few time since the Pandemic, many medical practitioners do exactly the same wearing the masks below the nose. I actually talked to one of the consultants about this having been lambasted on here and he basically corroborated everything I have stated on here. I also brought up handling the mask more by moving it on and off contaminating it and he pointed out if you are not handling or touching others things (and if you do use gel) then how will the mask become contaminated?

    Now try to respond to this post and the points made without resorting to inaccurate claims and personal insults.
    Stephen Dawson likes this.
  2. man

    mansfield_red Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2011
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    How convenient that your unverifiable anecdotal evidence of an encounter with a consultant runs contrary to pretty much all published medical guidance on the use of masks.
    TitusMagee likes this.
  3. Mid

    Mido Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    He’s also the only bloke that goes to supermarket and doesn’t touch stuff.
    TitusMagee likes this.

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