Get ready for all the posts about how selfish she is. If that's what you think, go tell to her face, see how long you last, don't write it on here.
My elderly Nan who is in her late 80s has the same attitude. I told her about the new rules and how it means I can't legally come to see her, and her response was "I don't have much time left anyway, I'll be damned if I spend it alone in front of this television". I do understand the need for action to slow the spread of the virus; I'm not an anti-masker or even anti-lockdown, but it's becoming very apparent that we need a way out of this soon because vulnerable people are truly suffering. I wish I had the solutions, but like most people I just don't. What I do know is this government have utterly cocked it up.
It’s fine for her less fine if say she gets Covid ends up in icu and gives it to other patients and clinicians. Ignoring public health advise is fine if the only person she endangers is herself. If for example she managed to infect Someone’s mum or dad who ending up looking after her and leaving a kid without a parent then maybe people would be less keen. I used to think Thatcher was wrong but maybe there is no such thing as society anymore.
I can kind of see where you're coming from in that her being in a higher risk category it may place additional strain on services, however I feel that providing she is following guidance on distancing and masks etc and has capacity then it should be her choice as to whether to shield etc or not.
As long as she does that I guess you are right but it doesn’t sit quite right with me. Too much of what has gone wrong with society over the last 10 years is people only caring for themselves and not others. But yeah for someone that age it’s a complex issue.
Yep, we definitely live in more of an "I'm alright Jack" society now than I've ever known, that's for sure.
I'm alright Jack? This is a clip of a woman worried about the number of people who will be unemployed, about how this is going to affect young people for years to come. She specifically says what happens to her doesn't matter. My belief is some people are so selfish, so wrapped up in themselves, that they genuinely cannot see when other people are not, it just isn't within their capacity.
My thoughts exactly. Her concern was for the young people who’ll be impacted on for years, even decades, to come. Fair play to her....
The words of an 83 year old either, a view of common sense and freedom or the ramblings of a selfish individual hell bent on spreading disease. The ability of this board to take polar opposite views on every subject or issue is hilarious. How we ever came to support the same team god only knows.
I think we should lift restrictions and follow the measures. Clamp down on the arseholes. Then there wouldn't be need for Lock downs. Let it be the public who shape their destiny. If they get a dose they get a dose. There is no faith shown in the public.
So she specifically says she doesn't care what happens to her, that her concern is for young people who need to be able to work and live their lives, yet you think she's selfish. If she was selfish why would she care about unemployment? She's hardly going to knock out a double shift at Redfearns ffs. No wonder there's folk who think lockdowns are a good idea, Jesus Christ.
People are forgetting that they're going to go one way or another. Avoiding Covid doesn't make you immortal. Life goes on.
Totally agreed. There's so many folk so utterly obsessed with themselves and their loved ones not getting a virus that they don't give a flying fuuck about all of the deaths, misery, suicides and ill health that causes, as long as they and their family don't get the 'Vid. You're absolutely correct, it's utter, unadulterated selfishness and they truly are Thatcher's children.
She should be allowed to enjoy whatever life she's got left however she wants to without anyone judging her for it.
I'm not jumping on either side of the bandwagon, (at least I think I'm not). First point I'd make is it's nice to see an interview with Barnsley people on BBC that doesn't make me want to put my head in my hands. Secondly, if a vaccine is not up & running by September 2021 we'll have no choice but to just get on with things, with some level of shielding / distancing in place, as the whole economy will be trashed & we won't be able to afford the doctors / nurses / carers, etc from the public purse. That does not mean I've been opposed to the lockdowns, just we should have helped the WHOLE economy properly during these times, giving us a better chance of getting out of it & recovering, albeit with a massive debt. Without the lockdowns the underfunded & understaffed NHS simply could not cope & bodies would have been piled up. The second wave was always going to be more of a worry in the winter, with flu & common cold also running wild & killing / hospitalising many elderly people. We seem to have done everything in a half ar$ed way & got the worst of all possible worlds. That is no surprise to me with the people in power, who have undermined their own policies by breaking their own laws without sanction, whilst students are getting £10k fines.