Winning games at Championship level is hard enough, without your goalkeeper getting the " gips" and presenting the opposition with gifts. Hope that Walton is not becoming complacent. I also hope Murray has a word and impresses upon him, that if there's any repetition, he will be warming the bench and if fit, Collins will be given his chance. I've watched the incident times over on Quest and am at a complete loss to understand what he was trying to do. There was no threat from the cross and if he was unsure as to his position or ability to safely collect the ball, why in Gods name didn't he simply punch it out of play.? Sorry, but his carelessness tonight, possibly cost us all three points.
It was a pretty daft error, but I seem to remember Watson doing something like that twice in one game against Wolves, chucking away a 3-1 lead at our closest rivals in the process.
It's all relative. Yes it was a terrible mistake, but what are the alternatives. Collins who makes howlers probably once every 2/3 games, or an even younger lad who's never played a Championship game. We stick with Walton (a bloke who is in credit with recent performances).
It was a very rare mistake. He's young. It happens. Its up to him to put it behind him, learn from it, and help shape his character. But he's still the best keeper we've got and dropping him would just compound the mistake further and harm him more. Chopping and changing isn't going to help that defensive unit gel.
Did you not watch on Saturday? He failed to hold the ball on both occasions Bristol City scored. That said, when a keeper makes a mistake it is much more likely to lead to a goal. That goes with the job. There were lots of passes going astray last night which did not result in a goal and many passes which, if better directed would have led to a goal. No one is talking about them. Walton is a decent keeper, so is Collins.
His first mistake this season and arguably post lockdown. The idea that he needs dropping for one mistake is quite frankly laughable. A young kid doing his very very best and you're digging in to get him dropped. Whole load of confidence that'll do the kid. Also it looks like Collins is injured as well. At least we've got more than a modicum of sense on this board to get behind Walton. Keep it up Jack, you're doing great.
Who'd be a keeper. Kid saves us time after time but one mistake and he should be dropped. Even the best to ever play the game made mistakes and Walton's just a kid starting out. I'm more concerned by the lack of cutting edge up front.
Every keeper makes mistakes, to call for him to be dropped after one mistake is laughable. Also, I think Odour could've helped him a bit more, either by letting him know he had more time than he thought, or by shouting for the ball himself, given it was going straight to him.
Agree with that. He made a weird body shape when he tried to catch it, as if he was under pressure or expected to be clattered at any moment. Need a shout of TIME. Still should have caught it mind.
It was a daft error, he didn't even need to come for the ball, he actually put it on a plate for the attacker. But let's not dwell on one individual error, his only error in the last 15 games or so. Let's give the lad a break, he'll learn from it. Heck, as the old saying goes "show me someone who has never made a mistake - and I'll show you someone who has never made anything"
I once built a B-17 Flying Fortress and stuck the fuselage together without putting in the under carriage. It happens.
Exactly. People make mistakes, but the best people learn from them. I have no doubt in my mind that Jack will learn from this.
What an embarassing and preposterous post, surely can't be serious encouraging him to be dropped after one mistake?
Dropped after one mistake leading to a goal? If that was how we deal with goalkeepers, Dave Watson would've been dropped on numerous occasions!
He didn't make an error in either game that cost us a goal. Had the current version of the BBS been around in the mid 90's, Watson would've been slaughtered on a regular basis for the number of errors he made which led to goals conceded and points being lost.